Enron Mail

To:adsmith@brobeck.com, apickens@gibbs-bruns.com, breasoner@gibbs-bruns.com,djn@pkns.com, jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com, mlk@pkns.com, mmolland@brobeck.com, msmith1@enron.com, pmeringolo@brobeck.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, robert.c.williams@enron.com,
Subject:FW: DOJ Investigations of Williams and AES
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 02:03:00 -0700 (PDT)


-----Original Message-----
From: Acton, Jan [mailto:JActon@crai.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 4:53 AM
To: 'gfergus@brobeck.com'; 'mlk@pkns.com'; 'breasoner@gibbs-bruns.com'
Cc: Spann, Bob; Savage, Timothy; Riker, David
Subject: DOJ Investigations of Williams and AES

Today's Washington Post and Wall Street Journal report that in filings to
the SEC, AES has advised that it and Wiliams are being investigated for
price manipulation by the Department of Justice for alleged withholding of
output in April and May 2000.

This is not a surprise to me, but I had not seen a formal announcement

The Post notes the relationship to the $8 million fine that Williams paid to
settle the FERC complaint.

I have not yet read the SEC filing.

Jan Paul Acton
Vice President
Charles River Associates
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