Enron Mail

To:apickens@gibbs-bruns.com, rconner@brobeck.com, djn@pkns.com,jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com, pmeringolo@brobeck.com, dcastro@pkns.com, msmith1@enron.com, mmolland@brobeck.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, robert.c.williams@enron.com, sbishop@gibbs-bruns.com
Subject:FW: Hendricks (SDWR case) - TRO Order
Date:Wed, 24 Jan 2001 04:44:00 -0800 (PST)

Here is an update on the second Henricks case filed by Aguirre. This case
does not name Enron entities.


-----Original Message-----
From: Healey, Chris [mailto:chealey@LUCE.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:36 PM
To: Allen, Gretchen; Bailey, Brent; Beh, James; Bestor, Geoffrey;
Brooks, John T.; Brown, Heather; Butswinkas, Dane; Calvani, Terry;
Carter, Grace; Chasin, Charlie; Coleman, Ran; Copeland, Greg; Costa,
Jennifer; Cottle, Lisa; Dalton, John; Davenport, Hugh; Davidson,
Jeffrey; Edwards, Barady; Edwards, Robert Jr.; Eisenstat, Larry; Fallon,
Robert; Fergus, G.; Forrest, Kirk; Frizzell, Jean; Gammie, John;
Goldberg, Alex; Hamer, Mark; Harris, Scott; Healey, Christopher; Hein,
Jennifer; Herbert, John; Herman, Stephen; Hershberger, John; Hixson,
Thomas; Holcomb, Bruce; Houlihan, Terry; Jines, Mike; Kadzik, Peter;
Karp, Joseph; Kass, Michael; Kennedy, Thomas; Kirby, Michael; Kleinman,
Joel; Lane, Linda; Larkin, Blake; Leone, Michael; Leslie, John; Maxwell,
Melissa; McMahon, Gerald; McManus, Randy; Meier, Peter; Merryman, Bryan;
Muller, Tim; Murphy, Harlan; Murphy, Tanya; Newton, Joel; Nissen, Neha;
Noonan, David; Pallenik, Christine; Paul, Joe; Pedersen, Norman; Perlis,
Mark; Peters, Mary Lou; Pickens, A.; Pickett, Donn; Raber, Stephen;
Reding, Jack; Rice Kelly, Hugh; Richardson, Tony; Roppe, Laura; Russell,
JoAnn; Sanders, Richard; Sauntry, June Ann; Schofield, Bill; Shohet,
Jeffrey; Smith, Mike; Sottosanti, Martha; Springer, James; Starbird,
Zackary; Steiner, Robert; Taylor, Timothy; Tiffany, Joseph II; Tribble,
Douglas; Varner, Carlton; Weaver, Michael; Wiegmann, Hack; Williams,
Robert; Zdebski, Charles
Subject: Hendricks (SDWR case) - TRO Order

Per Doug Tribble's prior email, attached is a copy of Judge McConnel's order
denying Aguirre's TRO application in Hendricks v. State Department of Water

Also, for those of you who may not have seen it, here is Doug's status

The TRO was denied based upon the court's finding that the plaintiff
has failed to establish a reasonable probability of success. From the tone
of the opinion it would appear that the DWR has a very good shot at
defeating the case at demurrer. The AG told me the demurrer must be filed
today and the court set a hearing on the demurrer this Friday! I will have
the order sent out shortly. DRT



Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP
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< -----Original Message-----
< From: Hernandez, Lynne
< Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:30 PM
< To: Healey, Chris
< Subject: Hendricks TRO Order
< <<1-24 Henricks TRO Order.pdf<<
< **************
< Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP
< 600 West Broadway
< Suite 2600
< San Diego, CA 92101-3391
< (619) 236-1414
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- 1-24 Henricks TRO Order.pdf