Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Enron production
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 04:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please see the e-mail below asking for production of the models created by
Enron separate from the McDonald models. Enron's models were, I am told,
prepared within ECM by Paul Pizzolato based on proprietary software of Enron,
something called "RAROC," risk adjusted return on capital. Many iterations of
these models were run, varying different elements of data.

Brian and Ray Bowen have both stated that it is unlikely that these models
were retained Brian, Tom, and Kevin each testified in their depositions about
these models;
and the Farallon plaintiffs are now specifically asking about them. Before we
say that these models no longer exist, I believe someone at Enron should make
an effort to look for them. Frankly, it would probably be very helpful to
Enron's case if we could in fact find these models. Right now our witnesses
and our expert are saying things about the models but, without the actual
models, this testimony is a bit self-serving.




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