Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Further Draft Protective Order 5/10
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 01:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

Sending again andhopefully it has the attachment.Also forwarding the info re
the conf call that is starting now

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From: "Kleinman, Joel" <KleinmanJ@dsmo.com<
To: "Kleinman, Joel" <KleinmanJ@dsmo.com<, bbailey@duke-energy.com,
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Subject: Further Draft Protective Order 5/10
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 19:52:23 -0400
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As promised, attached is a further draft reflecting our conversation this
afternoon. The significant changes are in paragraph 3. I may not have
included all of the persons to whom this email should have been addressed
(my list group email addresses is running out of room for email addresses),
so please forward this email to anyone at your company who should have this
that I have neglected. And . . . convey my apologies.

I have advised Larry Drivon that he will have a draft midday tomorrow. I
told him that I can "walk" him through the draft tomorrow afternoon if he
wants (but that I am NOT authorized to "negotiate" the provisions), that we
should schedule a call for early next week to address areas of disagreement,
and that we should address how we get an order before a court. I told him
that that means that he probably will have to delay the ISO compliance
somewhat farther, but that we can take this a step at a time.

My secretary will circulate call in instructions tomorrow morning for our 11
a.m. EDT call (8 a.m. PDT).

Joel Kleinman
202 828-2221


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