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To:andrew.edison@enron.com, bdavis@enron.com, ccheek@enron.com,jplace@enron.com, linda.r.guinn@enron.com, mlawles@enron.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, staci_holtzman@enron.com, tlehan@enron.com
Subject:Grynberg - Hearing on Wright's Motion
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

Privileged and Confidential Joint Defense Communication

Please see attached e-mail from Tom Nicholas regarding his conversation with
Judge Downes' law clerk regarding a hearing on the motion to take Mr.
Wright's deposition.

Dawne M. Davis, CLA
Legal Assistant
Holland & Hart, LLP
P.O. Box 1347
Cheyenne, WY 82003
307-778-8175 - fax

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From: "Thomas Nicholas" <tnicholas@hirstapplegate.com<
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Subject: Hearing on Wright's Motion
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:18:36 -0600
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I just spoke to the Judge's law clerk and she indicated the Judge was
contemplating a very short hearing, perhaps 1/2 hr, next week or the week
thereafter regarding Wright's Motion, our response and any other pleadings
that are filed regarding Wright's Motion. I have the impression the Judge
does not want this to blossom into a hearing which everyone feels they have
to attend. I think the Judge simply wants to make sure everyone is on the
same page regarding this deposition and that if there are any disputes he
needs to decide that those can be resolved immediately during the hearing.

I told the law clerk I would give her a heads-up if more that 1/2 hr was
needed for the hearing.

Yours very truly,

Tom Nicholas
Hirst & Applegate, P. C.
1720 Carey Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
Phone (307) 632-0541
Fax (307) 632-4999
E-mail: tnicholas@hirstapplegate.com

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