Enron Mail

Subject:In re M/V OBOD
Date:Thu, 18 Jan 2001 01:42:00 -0800 (PST)

you are now in charge
----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 01/18/2001 09:46 AM -----

Britt Davis@ENRON
01/17/2001 03:44 PM

To: Limor Nissan/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Joseph Imperiale/NYC/MGUSA@MGUSA, Becky Zikes/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: In re M/V OBOD

Limor and Richard,

I would like to recommend that we use Goodsill, Anderson, Quinn & Stifel as
our local counsel in Honolulu, the port where the M/V OBOD, and her cargo,
are under arrest. Although I do not have any personal experience with this
law firm, I got their name from local admiralty attorneys who have access to
the books published by the various P&I Clubs, which list what maritime
attorneys each club has certified for use in each port. The Goodsill,
Anderson firm was mentioned by two different admiralty attorneys here in
Houston as being listed by a number of different clubs for the port of
Honolulu. It is not at all unusual for admiralty attorneys to choose local
counsel in this manner.

I have not yet received Goodsill, Anderson's proposed engagement letter, but
will send it to you when I do.

I will call each of you tomorrow to get your thoughts on this firm.


----- Forwarded by Britt Davis/Corp/Enron on 01/17/2001 03:34 PM -----

"Kaupu, Russell K." <rkaupu@goodsill.com<
01/16/2001 06:35 PM

To: "'BDavis@ENRON.com'" <BDavis@ENRON.com<
cc: "Desmarais, Mark B." <mdesmarais@goodsill.com<, "Baldemor, Randolf L.
M." <RBaldemor@goodsill.com<
Subject: Information Re Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel

Dear Britt:
Per your request, I am forwarding you copies of our firm's resume and
billing policies.? I am also forwarding personal resumes for two of my
partners, John Lacy and Mark Desmarais, both of whom do maritime work.? For
reasons discussed hereinbelow, I suggest that Mark and his associate, Randy
Baldemor, would be best suited to work on this matter.? The billing rates
for Mark and Randy are $245/hour and?$130/hour, respectively.
Two issues turned up during our conflict check.? First, our firm represents
Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (HEI) and its subsidiaries, including its
three public utility subsidiaries, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (HECO),
Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. (HELCO) and Maui Electric Company,
Limited (MECO).? Although we are not aware on any actual conflict between
ENRON and HEI, HECO, HELCO or MECO, we are cognizant that ENRON is a major
player in the power producing industry.? Accordingly, we would need to
confirm that our representation of ENRON in the present maritime matter
would not preclude us from representing HEI, HECO, HELCO or MECO in other
matters in which such companies' interests may be adverse to ENRON.? Please
let me know as soon as possible whether this arrangement is acceptable.
Second, as it turns out, Mark Desmarais and Randy Baldemor having been
tracking the M/V OBOD and reporting back to a Seattle Washington law firm.?
The Seattle firm retained our firm strictly to monitor the vessel and any
actions with regard to her arrest, but has neither asked for legal advice,
nor disclosed who their client is.? Mark does not believe that our firm's
monitoring the status of the vessel presents any conflicts with our
representing ENRON.? He has placed a call to the Seattle firm and expects?to
hear back from his contact later this afternoon.? Assuming our firm is
engaged by ENRON, given that they already know about the vessel, its recent
history and the parties and counsel involved, Mark and Randy would appear
best suited to assist you on this matter.
Finally, I passed on to Mark your immediate concern that ENRON should not be
viewed (because it missed a filing deadline or otherwise) as having
abandoned its interest in the cargo of the M/V OBOD.? Mark checked (on the
premise that our firm was being considered to be retained as Hawaii counsel)
with Bryan Ho, attorney for Nordic Technical Development, Inc., who
indicated that he was not aware of any passed or pending filing deadlines.
I will call you tomorrow morning, Hawaii time, to discuss the two issues
that came out of our conflict check.? I look forward to resolving these
issues to our mutual benefit and to assisting ENRON on this matter.
Best regards.

Russell K. Kaupu
Goodsill Anderson Quinn & Stifel
A Limited Liability Law Partnership LLP
1099 Alakea Street, Suite 1800
Honolulu, Hawaii? 96813
Phone:??(808) 547-5788
Fax:?????? (808) 547-5880
Email:?? rkaupu@goodsill.com

The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may also be
covered by the attorney-client privilege.? The information is intended only
for use by the individual to whom it is addressed.? If you are not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination,
distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.? If
you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by return
e-mail or call us collect at (808) 547-5600, and delete this e-mail, any
attachments and all copies.

- Firm Resume.pdf
- Billing Policies.pdf
- Lacy Resume.pdf
- Desmarais Resume.pdf