Enron Mail

Subject:Joe Naylor
Date:Fri, 11 Aug 2000 05:44:00 -0700 (PDT)


This is a guy that I used to work with. Do we need anyone?


----- Forwarded by Stuart Zisman/HOU/ECT on 08/11/2000 12:43 PM -----

"Naylor, Joe D SHLOIL" <JN984858@MSXSOC.SHELL.COM<
08/10/2000 02:51 PM

To: "'stuart.zisman@enron.com'" <stuart.zisman@enron.com<
cc: "'m.boardway@worldnet.att.net'" <m.boardway@worldnet.att.net<
Subject: Joe Naylor


Thank you for offering to get the attached resume into the right hands for
review. I am glad to see that you are still at Enron and I hope everything
is working out well. Best regards and I hope to see you again soon.

Joe Naylor

<<Resume 8-10-00.doc<<

Joe Naylor
Shell Oil Legal Firm
4824 One Shell Plaza
Houston, Texas 77002
Telephone: (713) 241-3957
Fax: (713) 241-5362
Pager: (713)908-5229 (enter your return phone no.)
e-mail: jdnaylor@shellus.com
e-mail pager: 7139085229@alphapage.airtouch.com
(120 characters max; use blank subject line)
home page: http://home.houston.rr.com/lawyerjoe


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- Resume