Enron Mail

Subject:PCA: Local Counsel Recommendation
Date:Thu, 7 Sep 2000 05:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

Liz Austin just called to inform me that her firm does represent a client that
is adverse to United Illuminating in a case entitled: Bridgeport Resco v.
United Illuminating. She understands that there may be some connection
Enron and United Illuminating. Would this preclude retaining Liz as our local
counsel in the PCA case? Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Melanie Gray/HO/WGM/US on 09/07/2000 12:18
PM ---------------------------

Melanie Gray
09/07/2000 10:11 AM
Subject: PCA: Local Counsel Recommendation

I just spoke with Elizabeth ("Liz") Austin. She does not have any conflict
regard to other representations in the PCA case or Enron. I recommend that
be retained for the following reasons:

First, she has represented 3 other defendants in the PCA who have successful
settled their claims with the Trustee. She is very knowledgeable about the
case, so there will be no learning curve their. She has also worked with the
Kaye Scholer lawyers and has credibility with them. Given that she has
for the other 3 defendants she represented, she does not have any other client
involved in the PCA case at this time.

Seoncd, Elizabeth has been practicing almost 20 years, she started her
in Fort Worth and has been in Bridgeport, where the case is pending, since
She practices exclusively bankruptcy and is the head of the bankruptcy
department. She practices regularly before Judge Schiff, the PCA Bankruptcy
Judge. Her firm, Pulman & Connelly has 65 lawyers, their biggest office is in

In speaking with her, she sounded very knowledgeable, understands how Enron
likes to staff its matters (with 1 or 2 attorneys at most), and is very
interested in assisting us.

Interestingly, she confirmed that the number she has heard about a potential
payout for claims in PCA from the settlement negotiations is $0.25 on the
dollar. I think her prior experience in the case will be very helpful.

Please let me know if we can retain her as local counsel. Also, any news on
whether you've been served?


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