Enron Mail

Subject:Portland Meeting
Date:Fri, 9 Jun 2000 03:52:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 06/09/2000 10:52 AM -----

"DAN FOURNIER (JOANNE BENNETT)" <joanne.bennett@blakes.com<
06/07/2000 03:09 PM

To: <dalton.mcgrath@blakes.com<, <glenn.leslie@blakes.com<,
<robert.kwinter@blakes.com<, <web.macdonald@blakes.com<,
<jeffrey.t.hodge@enron.com<, <mark.e.haedicke@enron.com<,
<peter.keohane@enron.com<, <richard.b.sanders@enron.com<,
<robert.hemstock@enron.com<, <rshapiro@enron.com<, <mtuohey@velaw.com<
Subject: Portland Meeting

Personal and Confidential
Privileged Solicitor and Client Communication

As many of you know, I met with Chris Calger yesterday in Portland. I
will be preparing a memorandum of my conversation with Chris which I
will ask him to review for distribution. In summary, Chris was frank
and open, and in my view, expressed genuine corporate concern with the
investigation. I believe that my notes will indicate that Chris did not
have direct contact with PowerX in connection with any particular trade
during the period being investigated by the government. Although, in my
view, Chris had general knowledge of Enron*s approach taken in
connection with bidding power into the pool, he did not see himself as
spearheading or orchestrating that process. I hope to prepare my memo
today for review by Chris later in the day.

PowerX has retained the law firm of Lawson Lundell in Vancouver to
represent their interest. The lawyer is Chris Sanderson who is a senior
member of the B.C. and Alberta Bars. His practice focuses on regulatory
law and civil litigation, particularly in the energy industry.

I spoke to Chris Sanderson today to introduce myself and to give him a
very general background on the investigation conducted at the Calgary
office. He reported that a similar investigation had taken place in the
PowerX office in Vancouver. Their investigation started at the same
time as ours and ended on Thursday of last week.

Chris Sanderson did confirm that there are tapes of conversations with
Enron involving these various trades. As a result, I suspect that these
tapes ought to contain the same dialogue that is contained on our tapes.
I did not get into any discussion as to the information that may be
contained on the tapes and exactly what information had been seized by
the government. I did get the impression, however, that the government
has taken possession of tapes from PowerX.

He indicated that in his preliminary view the documents themselves are
not the concern but the tapes are. Again, I did not discuss any
particular matter with respect to the tapes only that Enron did keep
taped conversations of trades undertaken by its traders.

I think it would be worthwhile, and he agreed, if Glenn Leslie and I,
and perhaps Web, met with Chris at the appropriate time. He is open to
entertain a dialogue between counsel subject of course to matters of
privilege and commonality of interest.

He indicated that he wants to take approximately two weeks to review the
evidence obtained by the investigators (he has not done so yet and
preferred having a firm knowledge of the information seized by the
government before talking to us) and thereafter, initiate a dialogue
with us to see what information might be worth sharing.

I will have Glenn Leslie give him a call to try to set a date when we
might meet with him. We might want to discuss briefly during our
telephone conference on Friday our approach to meeting with Lawson
Lundell and what would be our ultimate objectives in doing so.

Yesterday, I talked to Cliff O*Brien, the counsel retained for John
Lavorato, and tried to give him a very brief overview of the issues.
Unfortunately, I was at the Portland airport when I did talk to him and
had to keep my conversation somewhat cryptic. Cliff did meet with John
Lavorato for approximately two hours last night. Cliff called me this
morning and would like to meet with me. I will meet him at 4:00 today.
Cliff indicated that the matter was more complex than he had imagined
and expressed a view that in John*s opinion these were simple trades and
nothing else. I will report to you further on this after I have had a
chance to meet with Cliff O*Brien.

If any of you have any questions, please don*t hesitate to call. In any
event, we will be talking at our regularly scheduled conference call
Friday at 10:30 (central time).

