I was reading through your and others' recommendations and saw(for the first
time) your dinner invitation. Sorry for the delay. I need to take a rain
check. Life is really hectic right now. As you will note from the time, I am
here early just to clean out my e-mails--what has technology done to us. I am
in CA once a week. Yesterday, my 5 year old called me at the office at 7am
and asked me why I was never there when he woke up. So much for my cushy
in-house job. Anyway, a night away is too hard to find right now. What about
lunch? Thurs or Fri of next week?
"Welsh, H. Ronald" <
05/16/2001 06:26 PM
To: "'
Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com'" <
Subject: RE: Trial Lawyer
I know two top flight trial lawyers in New York:
Greg Joseph
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver, & Jacobson
One New York Plaza
New York, New York 10004
josepgr@ffhsj.comNorm Kleinberg
Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP
One Battery Park Plaza
NY 10004
kleinber@hugheshubbard.comIn addition, VE has a lateral partner whom I have not met:
James Serota
jserota@velaw.comJamie's bio says that his area of practice is antitrust and business
litigation,particularly concentrated on industries
that are evolving fromregulation to competition, including electric
utilities. It says he chaired the Fuel and Energy Industry Committee of the
ABA Antitrust Section from 94-97.
When are you in town, so we can have dinner?
-----Original Message-----
Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:39 PM
rwelsh@velaw.comSubject: Trial Lawyer
I anticipate that Enron may have some legal issues in New York similar to
the issues Enron has faced in California. Can you recommend a top notch
trial lawyer (similar to yourself) at any firms in New York?
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