Enron Mail

To:jjohanso@bechtel.com, johne@wildeconst.com, jmerdia@citgo.com,dstogsd@citgo.com, david_leatherwood@enron.net, brad_cheney@enron.net, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, jodam@swbell.net
Date:Mon, 5 Jun 2000 09:07:00 -0700 (PDT)

I believe that in addition to me (an attorney), CITGO will have Wes Hogan
(Manager, Transportation), Dale Stogsdill (Manager, Mid-Continent Pipeline
District), and Sam Bentley (Supervisor, CASA System).? My telephone number is
(918) 495-5558.

From: ? John W. Odam[SMTP:jodam@swbell.net]
Sent: ? Friday, June 02, 2000 7:08 PM
To: ??? James Johanson; John Erickson; Merdian, Jane; Hasseman, Dean;
Stogsdill, Dale; David Leatherwood; Brad Cheney; Richard B. Sanders

To:? Richard B. Sanders -- EBS Houston
??? ??? David Leatherwood -- EBS Portland
??? ??? Brad Cheney -- EBS Portland
??? ??? Dale Stogsdil?-- Citgo
??? ??? Dean Hasseman -- Citgo
??? ??? Jane Merdian -- Citgo
??? ??? John Erickson? -- Wilde?Construction? Co.
??? ??? James Johanson?-- Bechtel
From: John Odam
As you are aware, there is to be a meeting on Thursday, June 8 at Enron in
Houston. The purpose of this meeting is to resolve the matters regarding the
rupture of the Citgo pipeline near Luling, Texas.? Although I will be in
attendance on behalf of Enron, I intend to also serve as a moderator of the
meeting and as a quasi-mediator.

I hope that all will come with an open mind and in a spirit of good faith
to?resolve any disputes as to potential liability and damages.? We have made
arrangements for a conference room large enough to accommodate all
participants as well as separate meeting rooms for each company.? We have
reserved all day in case it takes that long. If you need to leave early,
please advise.

I would appreciate hearing from each of you during the week of June 5
confirming your attendance and indicating attendance of anyone else with your
company.? In addition, I would like to visit with you privately by telephone
before the meeting. To that end, I will call each of you during the week of
June 5 to discuss the matters involved.? I am interested in what your
expectations are -- what you want to accomplish as a result of the meeting.?
I will also ask how?you believe the meeting should be conducted; what the
agenda should be.

With regard to the procedure, I suggest that Citgo "lay out it's case"
first.? What happened, the facts, whose fault, if any, you believe it is.?
After that I would suggest the same from Wilde, then Bechtel and then Enron.?
After a general discussion, I would suggest I visit with the companies
individually.? I don't think this needs to be overly formal but that should
be?an understood and agreed to structure to the meeting.? I will prepare a
written agenda to hand out at the beginning of the meeting. We all want to
make the best use of our time as possible.

I will ask of each of you if you have insurance to cover the loss and whether
an insurance representative will be present.

If you have documents you would like to distribute in advance, let me know
that as well.
I have spoken the?attorney for the landowner and he will be available by
I will keep all information you convey to me confidential, except with the
understanding that I may share that information with Enron.? Also, I will
share it with other company representatives only with your permission.

I look forward to working with each of you to get this matter resolved as
soon as possible.? Please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you for your
attention to this matter.

John Odam