Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Cal Wholesale Electricity Cases
Date:Tue, 20 Mar 2001 03:24:00 -0800 (PST)


"David Noonan" <djn@pkns.com<
03/20/2001 10:57 AM

To: <gfergus@brobeck.com<, <Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com<,
<jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com<, <sbishop@gibbs-bruns.com<
Subject: Re: Cal Wholesale Electricity Cases

I spoke to Healey last night about this.We arre in agreement that one
lawyer should argue this and it should be a local lawyer. Healey's firm did
the papers. Bob Steiner is a the most senior lawyer at that firm, is highly
regarded, former Bar President and I would assume is well known to Moskowitz.
As such this is acceptable to me, particularly with Healey providing the
back-up. I suspect it was my call to Healey that prompted this e-mail.


<<< <Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com< 3/20 7:52a <<<
I notice that Chris Healy and his partner are going to argue the motion to
stay. Are we ok with this? Also--could one of you call me after the conf.
call and let me know if anything important is discussed.
----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 03/20/2001 09:43 AM -----

Chris" To: "Alexander, Jeff"
<jalexander@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Allen,
<chealey@LUCE Gretchen" <gallen@bakerbotts.com<,
"Bailey, Brent"
.com< <bbailey@duke-energy.com<, "Beh,
James" <james.beh@troutmansanders.com<,
"Benzian, Peter"
<peter.benzian@lw.com<, "Bestor, Geoffrey"
03/19/2001 <BestorG@dsmo.com<, "Bliss, Erik"
<erik.bliss@lw.com<, "Brooks, John T."
07:35 PM <jtbrooks@luce.com<, "Brown,
Heather" <heather.brown@williams.com<,
"Burns, David"
<david_burns@reliantenergy.com<, "Butswinkas, Dane"
<dbutswinkas@wc.com<, "Chapin,
Edward" <echapin@chapinlaw.com<, "Chasin,
Charlie" <charles.chasin@msdw.com<,
"Coleman, Ran"
"Copeland, Greg" <gcopeland@bakerbotts.com<,
"Costa, Jennifer"
<jennifer.costa@neg.pge.com<, "Cottle, Lisa"
<lcottle@whitecase.com<, "Davenport,
Hugh" <hugh.davenport@mirant.com<,
"Davidson, Jeffrey"
<jeffrey_davidson@la.kirkland.com<, "Edwards, Brady"
"Edwards, Robert Jr."

<robert.edwards@troutmansanders.com<, "Eisenstat, Larry"
<EisenstatL@dsmo.com<, "Ezickson,
Doron" <dezickson@mwe.com<, "Fallon,
Robert" <FallonR@dsmo.com<, "Fergus,
G." <GFergus@brobeck.com<,
"Forrest, Kirk"
<kirk.forrest@williams.com<, "Frizzell, Jean"
"Gammie, John" <john.gammie@williams.com<,
"Gibbs, Robin"
<sbishop@gibbs-bruns.com<, "Goldberg, Alex"
"Guzman, Jose" <jguzman@nossaman.com<,
"Halling, Gary" <ghalling@smrh.com<,
"Hamer, Mark"
<mhamer@graycary.com<, "Harris,
Scott" <scott.harris@nrgenergy.com<,
"Hartman, Sanford"
<sanford.hartman@neg.pge.com<, "Healey, Christopher"
<chealey@luce.com<, "Hein, Jennifer"
"Herbert, John" <jche@dynegy.com<,
"Herman, Stephen"
"Hernandez, Lynne" <lhernandez@luce.com<,
"Hershberger, John"
<hershberger@scmv.com<, "Hixson, Thomas"
<thixson@mdbe.com<, "Holcomb, Bruce"
<HolcombB@dsmo.com<, "Houlihan,
Terry" <thoulihan@mdbe.com<, "Jines,
"Kadzik, Peter" <KadzikP@dsmo.com<,
"Karp, Joseph"
<jkarp@whitecase.com<, "Kass, Michael"
"Katz, Bruno" <bkatz@chapinlaw.com<,
"Kennedy, Thomas"
<tkennedy@mdbe.com<, "Kinnear, Todd"
<tkinnear@luce.com<, "Kirby,
Michael" <dcastro@pkns.com<, "Kleinman,
Joel" <KleinmanJ@dsmo.com<, "Lane,
Linda" <llane@graycary.com<, "Leone,
Michael" <leone@scmv.com<, "Leslie,
John" <jleslie@luce.com<, "Mattes,
Martin" <mmattes@nossaman.com<,
"Maxwell, Melissa"
<mmaxwell@bakerbotts.com<, "McMahon,
Gerald" <mcmahon@scmv.com<,
"McManus, Randy"
<rmcmanus@bakerbotts.com<, "Merryman, Bryan"
<bmerryman@whitecase.com<, "Michel,
"Miller, Lisa" <millerl@dsmo.com<,
"Mittelstaedt, Robert"
<rmittelstaedt@PillsburyWinthrop.com<, "Muller,
Tim" <tim.muller@williams.com<,
"Murphy, Harlan" <Hemu@dynegy.com<,
"Murphy, Tanya"
<tanya.murphy@neg.pge.com<, "Newton, Joel"
<jdne@dynegy.com<, "Nissen, Neha"
<nnissen@mdbe.com<, "Noonan, David"
<djn@pkns.com<, "Pallenik,
Christine" <cmpallenik@duke-energy.com<,
"Paul, Joe" <jmpa@dynegy.com<,
"Pedersen, Norman"
<napedersen@jonesday.com<, "Perlis,
Mark" <PerlisM@dsmo.com<, "Peters,
Mary Lou" <marylou.peters@msdw.com<,
"Pickens, A."
"Pickett, Donn" <dpickett@mdbe.com<, "Raber,
Stephen" <sraber@wc.com<, "Ransom,
"Rice Kelly, Hugh"
"Richardson, Tony"
"Roppe, Laura" <roppe@scmv.com<,
"Russell, JoAnn"
<jprussell@duke-energy.com<, "Sanders, Richard"
"Sauntry, June Ann"

<juneann.sauntry@troutmansanders.com<, "Schenkkan, Pete"

<pete_m_schenkkan@reliantenergy.com<, "Shohet, Jeffrey"
<jshohet@graycary.com<, "Smith,
Mike" <msmith1@enron.com<, "Sottosanti,
Martha" <msottosanti@smrh.com<,
"Spanos, Theodore"
"Springer, James" <SpringerJ@dsmo.com<,
"Starbird, Zackary"
<zack.starbird@mirant.com<, "Steiner, Robert"
<rsteiner@luce.com<, "Sturgeon,
John" <jsturgeon@whitecase.com<,
"Taylor, Timothy"
<ttaylor@smrh.com<, "Tiffany, Joseph II"
"Tribble, Douglas"
"Varner, Carlton" <cvarner@smrh.com<,
"Wall, Dan" <dan.wall@lw.com<,
"Weaver, Michael" <mike.weaver@lw.com<,
"Wiegmann, Hack" <hwiegmann@wc.com<,
"Williams, Robert"
"Zdebski, Charles"
Subject: Cal Wholesale
Electricity Cases

We have scheduled a conference call on Wednesday, March 21 at 11am (PST) to
discuss status in the California cases. The dial in number is
1-800-210-5603 (5091861#).

Here is a proposed agenda:

1. SD Cases - Status

1.1 Overview of Oral Argument - Motion to Stay (Thursd, March 22 at
11:30 am).

(Note: Bob Steiner and I are preparing to argue the motion
to stay. Jim Springer has kindly agreed to be available to handle remand
issues, if any).

1.2 Preparation for Remand Opposition Hearing

1.3 Status of Sweetwater and Campbell

1.4 Scheduling

2. SF Cases - Status

2.1 Scheduling - status of Pier 23 stip (Mike Molland)

2.2 Motion to stay reply briefs - due Friday, Mar 23

2.3 Remand Reply Brief - Pier 23 - due Friday, Mar 23 (?)

3. MDL Status (Brady Edwards)

4. Gas Cases (Doug Tribble)

5. Third Party Discovery status (Tribble)

6. Other Issues.



Luce, Forward, Hamilton & Scripps LLP
600 West Broadway
Suite 2600
San Diego, CA 92101-3391
(619) 236-1414

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