Enron Mail

Subject:Re: MEMO TO FILE: Wisvest Discussions and Ecogas SA
Cc:dan.lyons@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, rstephens@bracepatt.com
Bcc:dan.lyons@enron.com, michelle.cash@enron.com, rstephens@bracepatt.com
Date:Wed, 16 Aug 2000 01:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

I know you have other things going on but can you draft 2 short letters to JB
1)confirming your requests re Wisvest and 2) outling you information
requests re Ecogas SA. I will edit.

Randal Maffett
08/14/2000 01:58 PM

To: Randal Maffett/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: rstephens@bracepatt.com, Dan Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B
Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: MEMO TO FILE: Wisvest Discussions and Ecogas SA

On Friday, August 4 JB and I had a discussion re: engaging Wisvest in a
dialogue to resolve some of the major issues around the San Antonio project.
In that discussion I reiterated what was discussed at the 8/2/00 Board
meeting which was: a) we needed to finalize the numbers re: the WMI royalty
renegotiation; b) verify the expected EPC costs to complete the project; c)
revise the project pro-forma to reflect the revisions in (a) and (b) and d)
run sensitivity analyses on the level of subordination Wisvest would have to
accept in order to make the project economics viable. In our phone
conversation on 8/4/00 we again agreed this was the right course of action to
take. Subsequent to that call, JB had conversations w/ Derek Price at
Wisvest re: prospective meeting dates and exchanging various info re: the
project. In another phone conversation on Monday, August 7, I specifically
asked JB whether he had sent the project pro-formas and/or other proprietary
info to Derek Price to which JB responded "no." He said he "... sent him
summary info ... but did NOT send him the pro-forma ..." I then asked him to
forward to me copies of everything he had sent to Derek. What he sent to me
was some very basic e-mails and financial summary info. I also asked Derek
to forward to me everything JB had sent to him and I got a whole lot more,
including the full-blown project model/pro-forma. This has seriously
diminished all of our negotiating leverage!

On 8/10/00, I became aware of some efforts that appear to involve JB in
setting up a South American version of Ecogas (Ecogas S.A.) and called him to
inquire as to what was going on. In our phone conversation JB explicitly
denied "any involvement" including any "ownership" in such an enterprise. I
also asked JB to forward to me by Friday, 8/11/00, copies of any and all
documents, agreements, etc... relating to Ecogas S.A. To date he has sent me
nothing but an undated DRAFT MOU as well as some misc and meaningless
correspondence (undated and/or old e-mails, etc...). None of the info sent
is what I asked for on August 4 (complete execution copies of the MOU
regarding Ecogas S.A. including ownership interests, etc... as well as copies
of Articles of Incorporation for Ecogas S.A., etc...Who is Ecogas S.A.?
Where is it currently incorporated? Who are the beneficial owners? Under
what authority are you transacting business (what is your title, etc...) JB
continues to reference "nothing has been signed, incorporated, etc..." - then
why is JB's signature evidenced on an "Amendment" to the "Memorandum of
Understanding: Ecogas S.A. - Tortola/JCS"?

JB referenced the need to "directing our efforts to resolution of the crisis,
rather than continuing personal distractions and devisiveness." For the past
couple of months he has been asked to generate cash by selling assets,
greenhouse gas emission credits, etc... To the best of my knowledge Ecogas
has yet to see one penny!

As always there seems to be a direct contradiction between the "stories" and
the facts!