Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Next Participants' Committee Meeting
Date:Sun, 22 Apr 2001 05:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 04/22/2001 12:17 PM -----

Richard B Sanders
04/22/2001 12:11 PM

To: "Jeffrey A. Krieger" <jkrieger@ggfcmk.com<@ENRON
cc: mcohen@ggfrcmk.com, jrnelson@llgm.com, hweg@pgwlaw.com
Subject: Re: Next Participants' Committee Meeting

I am thinking about coming from Houston for this meeting--- depending on the
agenda. What is the agenda?

"Jeffrey A. Krieger" <jkrieger@ggfcmk.com<
04/20/2001 07:52 PM

To: <pgurfein@akingump.com<, <jcrossen@apx.com<, <rberry@apx.com<,
<rich.stevens@avistacorp.com<, <david.burns@bakerbotts.com<,
<doug.anderson@calenergy.com<, <dag@dgdk.com<, <rkd@dgdk.com<,
<richard.b.sanders@enron.com<, "Anne Marie DeFelice" <adefelice@ggfcmk.com<,
"Cindy Stremmel" <cstremmel@ggfcmk.com<, "Garrett L. Hanken"
<ghanken@ggfcmk.com<, "Jeffrey A. Krieger" <jkrieger@ggfcmk.com<, "Marc S.
Cohen" <mcohen@ggfcmk.com<, <kjohan@ladwp.com<, <ceklund@llgm.com<,
<dwhitley@llgm.com<, <jrnelson@llgm.com<, <mlubic@mdbe.com<,
<zack.starbird@mirant.com<, <pmar@mofo.com<, <hweg@pgwlaw.com<,
<david.facey@powerex.com<, <teresa.conway@powerex.com<,
<rbeitler@sempratrading.com<, <awells@stroock.com<, <ayudkowsky@stroock.com<,
<pjazayeri@stroock.com<, <bholman@whitecase.com<
Subject: Next Participants' Committee Meeting

To: The Participants' Committee:

The next meeting of the Participants' Committee will be this Tuesday, April
24, 2001 at 10 a.m. P.D.T. You can participate telephonically (call in
number to follow on Monday) or appear in person at Greenberg Glusker in
conference Room 21A (21st Floor).

Jeffrey A. Krieger
(310) 785-6869


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