Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Playoff Tickets
Date:Sun, 25 Mar 2001 02:28:00 -0800 (PST)

My check is on the way.

"Max" <fme@egglestonbriscoe.com<
03/24/2001 10:57 AM

To: "Richard Sanders" <Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com<, "Pat Doherty"
<pdoherty@ddalaw.com<, "Glenn Ballard" <gballard@bracepatt.com<, "Bill Gage"
<gage@bkollp.com<, "Bill Eggleston" <wje@egglestonbriscoe.com<
Subject: Playoff Tickets

I received an invoice this week from the Rockets for playoff tickets. We
need to make payment for the first two rounds by March 30 and decide whether
any credit should be refunded or applied to next year's tickets. The cost
for the first two rounds (which assumes 6 games) is $2,944. This calculation
is based on $944 for Round 1 (2 games with no home court advantage) and
$2000 for Round 2 (4 games assuming home court advantage). Based upon the
existing split, I need to collect the following amounts from each of you by
March 30:
Gage (25%): $736
Roten (25%): $736
Ballard (12.5%): $368
Doherty (12.5%): $368
Sanders (12.5%): $368
Eggleston (12.5%): $368
I suggest that any credit for unplayed games be applied to next year's
tickets. If anyone does not want playoff tickets or wants to opt out of next
year's tickets, let me know as soon as possible so I can make other
arrangements. Anyone not buying playoff tickets for the first two rounds
will not be entitled to buy tickets for Rounds 3 and 4 in the unlikely event
that the Rockets survive. By the way, tickets for Rounds 3 and 4 will cost
$4,976! Call me at 713/659-5100 with any questions. Max
cc: Bob Roten (by fax)