Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Response to Motion for Relief From Stay
Date:Mon, 26 Mar 2001 06:08:00 -0800 (PST)

The draft Response looks good.

"Howard J. Weg" <hweg@pgwlaw.com<
03/26/2001 12:16 PM

To: "'Alan Yudkowsky for Sempra'" <ayudkowsky@strook.com<, "'Bob Nelson for
Enron'" <jrnelson@llgm.com<, "'Brian Holman for Mirant'"
<bholman@whitecase.com<, "'Carl Eklund for Enron'" <ceklund@llgm.com<, "'Dan
Whitley for Enron'" <dwhitley@llgm.com<, "'David Burns for Reliant'"
<david.burns@bakerbotts.com<, "'David Facey for Powerex'"
<david.facey@powerex.com<, "'David Gill for DWP'" <dag@dgdk.com<, "'Greg Bray
for Sempra'" <gbray@strook.com<, "'Howard Weg for Powerex'"
<hweg@pgwlaw.com<, "'James Huemoeller for Enron'" <jlhuemoe@llgm.com<, "'John
Klauberg for Enron'" <jklauber@llgm.com<, "'Kjehl Johansen for DWP'"
<kjohan@ladwp.com<, "'Michael Lubic for Reliant'" <mlubic@mdbe.com<, "'Pat
Mar for Avista'" <pmar@mofo.com<, "'Peter Gurfein for Salton Sea Power'"
<pgurfein@akingump.com<, "'Rich Stevens for Avista'"
<rich.stevens@avistacorp.com<, "'Richard Beitler for Sempra'"
<rbeitler@sempratrading.com<, "'Richard Diamond for DWP'" <rkd@dgdk.com<,
"'Richard Sanders for Enron'" <richard.b.sanders@enron.com<, "'Zack Starbird
for Mirant'" <zack.starbird@mirant.com<
Subject: Response to Motion for Relief From Stay

Attached is a draft Response on behalf of the Committee to the Debtor's
Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay. As I do not yet have the US
Trustee's notice of appointment or a contact list, I did not have the
complete names of each of the members. Please email those to me along with
your comments.

I would like to send the Response to Judge Smith this afternoon, if
possible, which means that it needs to be completed by 1:30. Please forward
your comments by that time. Sorry for the short fuse.

In addition, please send me your suggestions for counsel and for the agenda
items for the meeting on March 28, which will follow the hearing that starts
at 930 am.

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- Response to Relief From Stay on FERC Mar 26 01.doc