Enron Mail

To:gfergus@brobeck.com, sbishop@gibbs-bruns.com
Subject:Request for Confidential Information by the CPUC
Date:Sat, 10 Mar 2001 02:02:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 03/10/2001 10:00 AM -----

02/22/2001 03:15 PM

To: richard.b.sanders@enron.com
Subject: Request for Confidential Information by the CPUC

Per your request.

---------------------- Forwarded by Sandi J. Thompson/users/PX_CALIF on
02/07/2001 02:06 PM ---------------------------

: Market Participant AB1, Market Participant CD1, Market Participant CD2,
Market Participant EG1, Market Participant EG2, Market Participant HJ1,
Market Participant KL1, Market Participant KL2, Market Participant MN1,
Market Participant MN2, Market Participant OR1, Market Participant OR2,
Market Participant ST1, Market Participant ST2, Market Participant UZ1
cc: rmcmanus@bakerbotts.com, lcottle@whitecase.com, thoulihan@mdbe.com,
napedersen@jonesday.com, jareding@phjw.com, bjf@cpuc.ca.gov

Subject: Request for Confidential Information by the CPUC

To All California Power Exchange Participants:

Notice is hereby provided pursuant to Section 19.3.4 of the California Power
Exchange Tariff that the Consumer Services Division of the California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC), as part of its investigation into the
selling, buying and trading of energy in the State of California" (see
declaration of Barbara Ferguson), has requested information that may be
confidential under Section 19.3.2 of the CalPX Tariff. The subpoena requests
the California Power Exchange to respond to the subpoena no later than
February 15, 2001, but Ms. Ferguson has agreed to extend the deadline until
Tuesday, February 20, 2001. If you desire to assert a claim of privilege or
confidentiality pursuant to legal authority, the California Power Exchange
include your written assertion of that claim, together with its submittal to
CPUC, provided that it is timely received. The CPUC has indicated that for
purposes of this investigation, it is willing to treat confidential
in a manner comparable to that provided under Section 583 of the Public
Utilities Code for confidential information provided by public utilities to
CPUC. Your written statement must be directed to the CPUC as follows:

Barbara J. Ferguson
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
415.703.2682 telephone
415.703.2262 facsimile

Please copy your statement to the California Power Exchange as follows:

Lisa Urick
California Power Exchange
200 South Los Robles Avenue, Suite 400
Pasadena, CA 91101
626.537.3100 telephone
626.537.3159 facsimile

Any written statement must be received by Ms. Urick no later than Friday,
February 16, 2001, 5:00 p.m. PT, to be included with any information delivered
by the CalPX to the CPUC. You are also free to take any other legal action
may deem appropriate in the circumstances of this investigation. A copy of
subpoena and declaration are attached for your reference.

Thank you.

(See attached file: Revised PX Subpoena-CPUC.doc)

(See attached file: SDT Declaration-CPUC.doc)

- Revised PX Subpoena-CPUC.doc
- SDT Declaration-CPUC.doc