Enron Mail

To:rob.cole@enron.com, robert.vote@enron.com
Subject:Roger Atkinson v. Cogen, et al.; Roger Atkinson v. JEDI Linden and
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 05:19:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: richard.sanders@enron.com
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Bcc: richard.sanders@enron.com
X-From: Bonnie White
X-To: Rob Cole, Robert Vote
X-cc: Richard B Sanders
X-Folder: \Richard_Sanders_Jun2001\Notes Folders\All documents
X-Origin: Sanders-R
X-FileName: rsander.nsf

This morning I received a copy of service of process that was served on Cogen
Technologies Linden Venture in the Roger Atkinson matter. Cogen Technologies
Linden Venture had previously been served with a summons and complaint in the
Atkinson matter in mid April. I forwarded the matter to El Paso Energy
Company, who had purchased ENA's interest in the Cogen companies effective
late February 2001. El Paso retained Ed Fanning of McCarter & English to
represent Cogen's interests. We have worked with Ed in other Cogen matters
before, and I have found him to be both effective and efficient. This matter
relates to personal injuries allegedly suffered by Atkinson while working at
a construction site at the Linden facility in December 2000. David Waterson
of El Paso recently called me concerning potential defense and indemnity
obligations that El Paso believes NEPCO may owe Cogen with respect to this
incident. We will need to review NEPCO's contract with Cogen to determine if
any such obligations exist.

The document that I received today is a Notice of Motion to Consolidate and
to Compel Inspection. This motion seeks to consolidate the Atkinson v. Cogen
case with a case that was apparently also filed in New Jersey state court as
Roger Atkinson v. JEDI Linden and NEPCO and to compel an inspection of the
construction site where the accident allegedly occurred. I have asked Becky
Stephens whether we have received service of process on either JEDI Linden or
NEPCO. To date, we have not. However, I expect that service of process is
in the works, and I have asked Becky to be on the look out for it. As this
new suit also apparently concerns personal injury claims, I am forwarding a
copy to both Rob and Bob, so that you can begin to process and investigate
the claim in your usual manner.

Please let me know if there is any other information you need in order to
begin our review for potential defense/indemnity to Cogen. Thanks.

Bonnie J. White
Enron Litigation Unit
1400 Smith Street, Suite 4824
Houston, TX 77002
Ph: 713-853-7244
Fax: 713-853-6576