Enron Mail

Subject:Seasons Greetings and a Favor
Date:Tue, 2 Jan 2001 01:23:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 01/02/2001 09:22 AM -----

Aleck Dadson
01/02/2001 08:59 AM

To: Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Seasons Greetings and a Favor

Here is a copy of the e-mail I received from Larry Ruff before Christmas.
----- Forwarded by Aleck Dadson/TOR/ECT on 01/02/2001 10:05 AM -----

"Larry E. Ruff" <leruff@attglobal.net<
12/22/2000 03:18 PM
Please respond to leruff

To: Aleck Dadson <aleck.dadson@enron.com<
cc: Web Macdonald <web.macdonald@blakes.com<
Subject: Seasons Greetings and a Favor

Aleck --

I have not yet been paid for the work I did for Enron via Blakes. I
sent Blakes an invoice for about US$20,000 early in August -- yes,
almost 5 months ago -- and have received nothing since. I have asked
Web MacDonald several times to check on it. The last response I heard
from Blakes was over a month ago, when they said they would remind
Enron. Then, about three weeks ago, I was asked by an attorney in San
Francisco to assist him with some Enron work related to California. I
told him that, in my experience, Enron does not pay its bills, so he
offered me an advance retainer. He also said he had checked with the
appropriate person at Enron in Houston, who said that he had just
approved payment of my invoice. But that was over three weeks ago and I
still have seen nothing.

My letter agreement is with Blakes, not Enron, so I had assumed that
Blakes would pay me and invoice Enron themselves. But Blakes seems
unwilling to pay me themselves and unable to get Enron to pay me
directly. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide on this

Thanks, and do have a Merry Christmas.


assured him that my invoice which I agreed to do when he said he would
pay a retainer in advance.

- leruff.vcf