Enron Mail

Subject:Sept. 27th Meeting
Date:Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:54:00 -0700 (PDT)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 09/18/2000 03:54 PM -----

09/17/2000 07:57 PM

To: <Richard.B.Sanders@enron.com<
Subject: Sept. 27th Meeting


I've arranged for both Judge Lacey and Stu Alderoty (both from our Newark, NJ
office) to join us for lunch on September 27th when you are in New York.
I'll also see if Steve Levitsky, our antitrust litigator who has been working
on the Infineum case, can attend as well. Based on your planned arrival into
LaGuardia around 12:15 p.m. or so, I'll assume a late lunch in the 1:00/1:15
p.m. range. I also have assumed that we will meet at our NYC office at 125
W. 55th St. (just off of 6th Ave., between 6th and 7th Avenues)--19th Floor.
If, for some reason, that does not work for you logistically, just let me

On the California front, I'm sorry we keep missing each other, so I thought I
would just relay what I found out based on an exchange of a couple of voice
mails with certain of my insurance partners in our San Francisco office late
last week. The consultant we have been using on the insurance matters I
described in my voice mail is Frank Mankowitz (sp?) of Hill & Knowlton who,
according to my partners (and which I was not aware of), was John Kennedy's
press secretary and ran George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign and is
very well known in CA Democratic circles. He has been assisting us in
certain negotiations with the AG's Office and my insurance partners think he
has been doing a very good job. Let me know if you would like any our folks
to facilitate anything for you in that respect.

I look forward to catching up with you in NY next week. I hope that all is

Best regards.


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John Klauberg
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P.
212 424-8125