Enron Mail

Subject:Subpoena from the Attorney General of California and FERC
Date:Fri, 6 Oct 2000 05:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mike - please prepare a request for confidential treatment of this responses
as you have been doing for all the other data requests.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 10/06/2000 12:09 PM

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: "Fuller, Don" <DFuller@caiso.com<@caiso.com<
10/06/2000 11:30 AM

Sent by: "Happ, Susan" <SHapp@caiso.com<
To: ISO Market Participants
Subject: Subpoena from the Attorney General of California and FERC

Market Participants and Scheduling Coordinators:
The California ISO has received the attached subpoena from the Attorney
General of California. The ISO intends to request confidential treatment for
information that is listed in ISO tariff section 20.3.2. The ISO will keep
Market Participants appraised of the result of its request. However, the
ISO's activities do not absolve Market Participants and Scheduling
Coordinators from their right and responsibility to themselves seek
confidential treatment for confidential information pursuant to ISO tariff
section 20.3.4.

In addition, the California ISO has received the attached requests for data
(9 and 10) from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in the
context of FERC's Bulk Power Investigation (the nationwide fact-finding
probe of electric markets and recent price spikes). To the extent the
requests includes a request for information that is listed in ISO tariff
section 20.3.2., the ISO will seek confidential treatment for such
information pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 388.112.

Any concerns relating to the subpoena and data requests should be
communicated by close of business on Monday, October 9 to Jeanne Sole at
916-608-7144 and jsole@caiso.com and copied to Beth Ann Burns at
bburns@caiso.com, Charlie Robinson at crobinson@caiso.com and Norma Formanek
at nformanek@fbm.com. The Attorney General contact on the subpoena is
Richard Rochman (415) 703-1404. The FERC contact on the data request is
Robert Pease at (202) 208-0131, robert.pease@ferc.fed.us
<mailto:robert.pease@ferc.fed.us< .

Jeanne M. Sol,
Regulatory Counsel
California ISO
(916) 608-7144

The Foregoing e-Mail Communication (Together With Any Attachments Thereto)
Is Intended For The Designated Recipient(s) Only. Its Terms May Be
Confidential And Protected By Attorney/Client Privilege or Other Applicable
Privileges. Unauthorized Use, Dissemination, Distribution, Or Reproduction
Of This Message Is Strictly Prohibited.

- 10-6AGSubpoena.pdf
Message-ID: <s9dcc1cf.018@internet<
From: Lyle Hanagami <lyle.hanagami@ferc.fed.us<
To: EHildebrandt@caiso.com, jsole@caiso.com
Cc: crobinson@caiso.com, skarpinen@caiso.com, Robert Pease
<robert.pease@ferc.fed.us<, William Meroney <william.meroney@ferc.fed.us<
Subject: ISO-9, May/Jun 98 HA forecast and ISO-10
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 15:00:38 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Attached are ISO-9 and ISO-10 which will be followed by a fax copy. For
ISO-10, I will be faxing a sample of the data I am looking for which is the
"projected Daily Operating Loads and Resources" report (confidential data

Any concerns regarding this data request, please contact Lyle Hanagami at
(202) 208-0103. As for processing of your responses to FERC, please email
your responses to Lyle Hanagami or if you decide to mail or FAX your
response, please use the following address or FAX #:

Mailing: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
OMTR-Energy Markets
c/o Lyle Hanagami, Room 82-59
888 First St. N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20426

Phone: (202) 208-0103

E-mail lyle.hanagami@ferc.fed.us

FAX: (202) 208-1010

- ISO-10.wpd
- ISO-9.wpd
- CoverLtr5.wpd