Enron Mail

To:richard.sanders@enron.com, travis.mccullough@enron.com
Subject:Summary of CPUC All-Party Meeting 1/3/01
Date:Thu, 4 Jan 2001 00:09:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Sheila Tweed/HOU/ECT on 01/04/2001 08:13 AM -----

01/03/2001 10:18 PM

Subject: Summary of CPUC All-Party Meeting 1/3/01

Summary of Oral Arguments and All-Party Meeting before the CPUC taking place
on January 3, 2001:

Oral Arguments were held at the CPUC today for purposes of commenting on
today's draft final order.? The oral arguments were presided over by ALJ
Walwyn.? The All-Party Meeting, which was presided over by Commissioner Wood,
was not eventful.? Many of the participants left after the Oral Arguments and
those who remained mostly responded to comments made during the Oral

Both SCE and PG&E argued that the CPUC erroneously failed to address an end
to the rate freeze, recovery of past undercollections, and right to recover
their full future procurement costs.? Both also argued that the surcharge
will be inadequate to satisfy the financial community.? In addition, SCE
requested that the CPUC relieve it of the obligation to procure power for its
customers which is priced above the amount that they can recover from their
customers.? PG&E argued the proposal failed to provide certainty for recovery
of costs and criticized the CPUC's focus on accounting arguing that changes
to the accounting methods were not a solution.

The Office of Ratepayer Advocates (CPUC Division) ("ORA") suggested several
additional solutions for the CPUC to consider as a final solution:? (1)?
encourage the utilities to issue revenue bonds; (2) reduce utilities' return
on equity by one-half; and (3) encourage energy conservation which addresses
the alleged price gouging.? ORA also argued that the utility companies needed
to do more to cut corporate costs.

The California Industrial Users ("CIU") generally supported the proposal but
criticized it for discriminating against larger customers and argued that the
CPUC needs to look out for the welfare of all customers, not just smaller
customers.? Both Reliant and Enron argued that the current situation is a
short term problem and should be addressed with only interim relief.? Both
also argued that the surcharge is not adequate and should be re-examined.?
Enron complimented the CPUC on its decision not to lift the rate freeze.

The citizen advocates and consumer advocates (Greenlining Institute, Aglet
Consumer Alliance, Golden State Power Cooperative, California Farm
Federation) were generally satisfied with the proposed final decision.? They
commended the CPUC for not lifting the rate freeze and for insisting on
thorough and continuing investigations but argued the CPUC also needs to
study the impact rate increases would have on the California economy, not
just its affect on the utility companies.? TURN blamed the marketers and the
utility companies for the crisis and argued that consumers shouldn't be
forced to bail out the utility companies for their own bad decisions.?

A private attorney from San Diego who filed a lawsuit against out of state
generators to recover alleged windfall profits suggested the CPUC not grant a
rate surcharge until the utility companies actually declared bankruptcy and
argued that filing for bankruptcy could provide an incentive for the utility
companies to press their case against the marketers.? Commissioner Wood
however expressed concern about the implications of bankruptcy on labor
contracts and QF contracts.


Edwin F. Feo
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
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