Enron Mail

Subject:Travel Announcement
Date:Fri, 4 Jun 1999 01:22:00 -0700 (PDT)

Please book my london flight.
---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 06/04/99
08:21 AM ---------------------------

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: General Announcement @ ENRON 06/03/99 06:42

To: All Enron Employees
Subject: Travel Announcement

The recently announced "new" deep discounts on the upfront purchase price of
airline tickets with our preferred air carriers booked through the Travel
Agency in the Park have been well received!

Increased airline ticket bookings with our preferred carriers was expected in
the Enron Houston offices. The response from the Enron business units
outside the Houston area has been remarkable. As a result, call volume to
TAP has increased by 30%.

As a result of this 30% increase in call volume, TAP continues to add
qualified, experienced agents to their staff to meet the increased needs of
Enron travelers.

If your "Enron Business Unit/Location" was not previously using TAP for your
airline bookings, please contact Tracy Ramsey, Enron Corporate Travel
Manager, 713/853-6457 to assist you with your transition process to TAP.

This transition process will include items such as setting-up Traveler
Profiles in the TAP system to expedite the booking process and establishing
your travel patterns so that TAP can respond to your specific travel needs
and requirements.

The Travel Agency in the Park has established a web site,
http://www.travelpark.com, that is available to you for browsing flight
schedules and booking flights.

Thank you for our support of the Enron Travel Program that continues to
provide exceptional cost savings to Enron Corp.

Please contact Tracy Ramsey, 713/853-6457 if you have questions or comments.