Enron Mail

Subject:Ashford, Your Complete Source for Dazzling Diamonds!
Date:Fri, 19 Oct 2001 12:36:02 -0700 (PDT)



[IMAGE] Click Here to Start Shopping [IMAGE] Whether you're looking for =
diamond stud earrings or an engagement ring, Ashford is your diamond source=
. Our diamond department has been redesigned to make it easier to find wha=
t you're looking for. We also offer a complete buying guide to take the fe=
ar out of diamond buying. And, if you still have questions, our experts are=
just a call away. Remember, Ashford offers a 30-day refund policy, so you=
can always shop with confidence! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Loose Diamonds [IM=
AGE] A world class selection of loose diamonds. More than 6,000 certified =
diamonds to choose from. All shapes and all sizes. More than 6,000 Loose =
Diamonds [IMAGE] Build Your Dream Ring in 3 Steps Build Your Rin=
g [IMAGE] Create the perfect ring! Our unique service lets you easily mi=
x and match diamonds with settings. Make your selections, view the result o=
nline and create your dream ring in minutes. [IMAGE] Diamond Studs =
[IMAGE] A classic fashion accessory. A wide selection of diamond stud ear=
rings starting at just $300. Diamond Stud Earrings [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] < Minerva TimeZone =
Limited Edition [IMAGE] < Lambertson Truex Handbag [IMAGE] < Ashford Co=
llection Earrings [IMAGE] < Citizen Skyhawk [IMAGE] < Dooney & Bourke H=
andbag [IMAGE] < Bulova Mens Bracelet [IMAGE] < Dolce & Gabbana Plastic=
Rectangles [IMAGE] < Jay Strongwater Pale Pink & Antique Brass Frame [=
IMAGE] < Echo Solid Shawl/Wrap [IMAGE] < Atlantis Dune [IMAGE] [IMAGE]=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Movado Eliro [IMAGE] Movado [IMAGE] With ove=
r a century of design innovation, Movado watches are distinctly original an=
d extremely popular. Ashford is proud to offer a fine selection of Movado w=
atches. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] P.S. Please feel free to forward t=
his email to all of your friends. They'll thank you for it! Friends can sub=
scribe to Ashford.com email by clicking here: Subscribe to Ashford.com . [I=
MAGE] Let us hear from you. If you have any suggestions or any problems wit=
h your email, or if you need to change your email address, please contact j=
schunter@ashford.com. [IMAGE] You are receiving this email because you hav=
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