Enron Mail

Subject:European "Community Patent" Proposal Derailed Again - APLF
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:46:42 -0800 (PST)

About Members Events Ne=
ws Contact Jobs =
December 19, 2001 APLF.org =
Festo - Virtual Roundtable =
On January 8th Oral arguments will be made before the Suprem=
e Court on the Festo appeal. A number of our members will be in attendanc=
e, and on January 10 we will hold a panel discussion to report back and di=
scuss the issues and provide some insight. Time: 1.00pm Eastern Duratio=
n: 1 hour Call in telephone number: If you wish to join us, please RSVP f=
or the dial in toll free number to info@aplf.org . The format will provi=
de an opportunity to pose questions to the panel and to other experienced =
patent law attorneys. For a full briefing on the Festo case, please see t=
he presentation on www.aplf.org/events/festo . About =
Members Events News Contact Jobs =09

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