Enron Mail

To:michael.tribolet@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com
Subject:FW: CPX - 10/25 Agenda and Minutes
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 05:37:32 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Mellencamp, Lisa =20
Sent:=09Thursday, October 25, 2001 7:35 AM
To:=09'"Robert Nelson" <JRNELSON@LLGM.COM<@ENRON'
Cc:=09Simmons, Linda J.
Subject:=09RE: CPX - 10/25 Agenda and Minutes

send to michael and richard this stuff too. will not be able to be on call =
today. push forward. have number of questions on the budget. will need to s=
chedule time to go over with bdo which michael and i can be at. get couple =
times for those that need to be involved and call linda to see which ones w=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Robert Nelson" <JRNELSON@LLGM.COM<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, October 24, 2001 12:54 PM
To:=09Mellencamp, Lisa
Subject:=09Fwd: CPX - 10/25 Agenda and Minutes

For your information, a copy of the plan termsheet. Bob

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J. Robert Nelson
725 Soth Figueroa St, Los Angeles, Ca. 90017-5436

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Subject: CPX - 10/25 Agenda and Minutes
To: pgurfein@akingump.com,=09jcrossen@apx.com,=09rich.stevens@avistacorp.co=
cc: mfernhoff@kayescholer.com
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Dear Committee Member:

Our next regular Committee meeting is on Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 2:00
p.m Pacific time. For those attending in person, the meeting will be at
Kaye Scholer in Conference Room 18B (proceed directly to the 18th floor via
the elevator). Please e-mail me to confirm if you are attending in person.
For those calling in:

Dial in # =3D (888) 830-6260
Participant Code: 615140

Attached below are the Agenda and Minutes of the 10/18 meeting which will
be considered. Also attached is a draft of the Term Sheet for the Plan.

(See attached file: 23056757.pdf)Agenda (See attached file: 23056754.pdf)
Minutes (See attached file: Plan outline v4.pdf)

- 23056757.pdf << File: 23056757.pdf <<=20
- 23056754.pdf << File: 23056754.pdf <<=20
- Plan outline v4.pdf << File: Plan outline v4.pdf <<