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Need Ethics? Check out CLE Online! <http://www.hba.org/cle-online.html< 2001 Civil Court Ad Litem Institute HVLP Family Law Seminar October 5, 2001 October 19, 2001 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Harris County Jury Assembly Room, 1019 Congress South Texas College of Law, 1301 San Jacinto 4.5 hours MCLE credit, including 1.25 hours ethics credit 6.25 hours MCLE credit 1.0 hours ethics credit CLICK HERE <http://www.hba.org/cgi-local/pages/cle-institutes.pl< for more information and to print a registration form! CLICK HERE <http://www.hba.org/cgi-local/pages/cle-seminars.pl< for more information and to print a registration form! News & Events Don't Miss the 52nd Annual Harvest Party! Join your colleagues for this festive event that benefits the Houston Bar Foundation. The Harvest Party is set for November 12, 7-10 p.m., at River Oaks Country Club. Tickets are $75 per person, payable to the Houston Bar Foundation. See your October Bulletin for a ticket order form, or watch the mail for an invitation. Deadline to purchase tickets is November 8; no tickets sold at the door.For more information contact Rusty Bienvenue <mailto:rustyb@hba.org< . Order your tickets now! Order <http://www.hba.org/harvestreg.htm< Form Print out, complete and send in This Year's Harvest Party Underwriters <http://www.hba.org/underwriters.htm< as of October 2, 2001 Judicial Independence Forum The Houston Bar Association and the League of Women Voters are sponsoring a Judicial Independence Forum on Thursday, October 11, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at South Texas College of Law, Garrett Townes Auditorium, 1303 San Jacinto. At this local forum, a panel of speakers will debate various proposals for changing the way judges are elected in Texas. All members of the Houston Bar Association are invited to attend this free program. SBOT Relief Fund for Victims of Terrorist Attacks The State Bar of Texas has created a relief fund to give Texas attorneys and firms the opportunity to demonstrate their support of the victims of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. Contributions may be sent to the Texas Bar Foundation Relief Fund, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, TX 78711-2487. For information call 800-204-2222, ext. 2135. Fall Coat and Warm Clothing Drive to Help Homeless Houston's shelters report donations are down because of support going to victims of the recent disasters. If your firm has never participated in the HBA's Annual Fall Coat and Warm Clothing Drive, perhaps this is the year to start. Gently-used coats, jackets, clothing , blankets, and business attire are needed for men, women and children of all ages. Collection within firms and offices is October 22-November 2, with drop off at the HBA office November 5-9. For more information contact Lynn Dougherty <mailto:lynnd@hba.org< . Are You a Recently Licensed Attorney? If so, consider becoming involved in the HBA's Mentor Program, which pairs recently licensed attorneys with more experienced attorneys in a mentor/prot?g? relationship. Mentors also are needed. For more information, see Membership/Mentor <http://www.hba.org/membership-mentor.html< Program. School Supplies Needed! Please help students in the North Forest Independent School District by donating school supplies for needy middle school students. Items needed include loose-leaf notebook paper, pocket folders, #2 pencils, pens and rulers. Cash donations to purchase supplies also are welcome! Donations may be delivered to the HBA office, 1001 Fannin, Suite 1300. For information contact Lynn <mailto:lynnd@hba.org< Dougherty. - masthead.gif - CLE Headline.gif - Oct. E-Bulletin.html