Enron Mail

To:yudkowsky'.'alan@enron.com, richard.diamond@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com,jazayeri.peter@enron.com
Subject:RE: CPX - Response to PGE
Date:Thu, 20 Dec 2001 10:18:33 -0800 (PST)

we agree. we do not intend to file a separate pleading unless Kaye Scholer
suggests that it is needed.

David Gill

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Yudkowsky [mailto:AYUDKOWSKY@stroock.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 9:13 AM
To: pgurfein@akingump.com; jcrossen@apx.com;
rich.stevens@avistacorp.com; david.burns@bakerbotts.com;
amy.lee@bchydro.com; gary.sherlock@bchydro.com; jyoo@bdo.com;
khenry@bdo.com; dmbutz@butzdunn.com; doug.anderson@calenergy.com;
dag@dgdk.com; rdiamond@dgdk.com; ayudkowsky@earthlink.net;
lisa.mellencamp@enron.com; richard.b.sanders@enron.com;
aarbisser@kayescholer.com; adanker@kayescholer.com;
apalma@kayescholer.com; AWagner@kayescholer.COM;
gcaplan@kayescholer.com; kgold@kayescholer.com;
marccohen@kayescholer.com; mfranks@kayescholer.com;
rleibow@kayescholer.com; steekah@kayescholer.com; tkent@kayescholer.com;
vhuntley@kayescholer.com; kjohan@ladwp.com; ceklund@llgm.com;
dwhitley@llgm.com; jrnelson@llgm.com; mlubic@mdbe.com; wbates@mdbe.com;
jay.wilson@mirant.com; zack.starbird@mirant.com; pmar@mofo.com;
hweg@pgwlaw.com; david.facey@powerex.com; doug.little@powerex.com;
sgussett@reliant.com; john_h_stout@reliantenergy.com;
rbeitler@sempratrading.com; Amy Perlis; Peter Jazayeri;
featon@whitecase.com; guzzi@whitecase.com; rcamps@whitecase.com;
Subject: Re: CPX - Response to PGE

We believe that a paragraph should be added objecting to the waiver of the
Rule 26(a) and (f) requirements respecting "Electric Generation Claims."
Given PG&E's stated intention to object to market participants' claims, PG&E
should not be exempted from nor should we be deprived of these mandatory
disclosures. Moreover, PG&E's concession that it will comply if "ordered in
connection with particular claim objections" impermissibly puts the burden
on market participants to seek an order mandating compliance on a
claim-by-claim basis.

Alan Z. Yudkowsky, Esq.
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
310-556-5959 (fax)

<<< <adanker@kayescholer.com< 12/19/01 05:35PM <<<
Dear Committee Member,

Attached below is a draft of the response which we intend to file tomorrow
or Friday in the PG&E case with respect to their motion to establish a
procedure for preliminary claims objections. You are welcome to file
joinders if you wish.


(See attached file: 23061475.pdf)