Enron Mail

Subject:RE: ENA v. Adkins
Cc:ron.nolte@enron.com, e..dickson@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com,john.singer@enron.com, r..price@enron.com, ron.nolte@enron.com, ellen.wallumrod@enron.com, stephanie.sever@enron.com, f..smith@enron.com
Bcc:ron.nolte@enron.com, e..dickson@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com,john.singer@enron.com, r..price@enron.com, ron.nolte@enron.com, ellen.wallumrod@enron.com, stephanie.sever@enron.com, f..smith@enron.com
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 06:28:32 -0700 (PDT)


Thanks. It is good news to hear that we overpaid based on the index p=
rice for at least one month, because it tends to show that we truly were mi=
staken and were not gaming Adkins on this deal. I probably do need a copy o=
f the Supplier Reference Book that you prepared. If you would have kept in=
formation pertaining to this review anywhere (electronically or hard-copy),=
please let me know. By copy of this, I am asking my legal assistant, Beck=
y Zikes, to follow up with you on this and get copies of all the informatio=
n in your possession.


P.S. to Wade: I need to meet with you anyway regarding your review of=
your notes that you were going to perform. I would also greatly appreciat=
e your supplying me with copies of whatever business documents we sent to A=
dkins after the date of the confirm on March 6. I need to be able to put i=
t in chronological order to fully understand it. Again, I will have Becky =
Zikes follow up with you on a meeting where we can review all this document=
ation. Becky, it would be better for me for the meeting to take place in th=
e second half of next week (and I would like you to attend).

P.S. to Ron Nolte: Ron, could I ask you to liaise with Mary and see if=
there is any way to retrieve the correspondence regarding her internal rev=
iew that she says was lost when we moved to Outlook? Please let me know if=
you need any further information from me on this.
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Franklin, Mary Theresa =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, October 16, 2001 6:35 PM
To:=09Davis, Britt
Cc:=09Nolte, Ron; Dickson, Stacy E.; Sanders, Richard B.; Singer, John; Pri=
ce, Wade R.; Nolte, Ron; Wallumrod, Ellen; Sever, Stephanie; Smith, George =
Subject:=09RE: ENA v. Adkins

Wade Price should be able help you out on item #1.

I never was really assigned to "audit" the Appalachian suppliers. I was mi=
dway through another Appalachian project , when I realized that there were =
several transport and purchase related issues. So, I began compiling a Sup=
plier Reference Book to get a better picture of supplier's activity. I use=
d this book to verify price change request. I also used it to identify sev=
eral incorrect requests for pricing adjustments and errors in Settlements' =
calc-sheets. My concern for additional purchase errors led me to the revie=
w most of the Appalachian purchase deals. It was during one of these activ=
ities that I identified the Adkin's payment errors. I'm sorry, but I don't=
have any documented "audit" findings. Any correspondence I did have was l=
ost in the conversion to Outlook. I do still maintain my Supplier Referenc=
e Book, but I don't think it would be much help. However, I did review the=
CGAS IF pricing the for the year prior to the deal. Only one month during=
that time was the index price higher than the contracted $3.075. In fact =
they were considerably lower. Also, I've reviewed the settlement statement=
s, it appears we paid Mr. Adkins for three months before the error was caug=
ht. The first month was paid at index (index was $0.06 lower than the cont=
ract price), the next month was paid at index ( index was $0.22 higher than=
contract price) and the third month was corrected to the $3.075 ( index wa=
s $4.53). I think this correction made in Oct-00, is when he first realiz=
ed there was an issue. I hope this helps you, Terry 3-7675.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Davis, Britt =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, October 16, 2001 10:29 AM
To:=09Dickson, Stacy E.
Cc:=09Sanders, Richard B.; Singer, John; Price, Wade R.; Nolte, Ron; Wallum=
rod, Ellen; Franklin, Mary Theresa; Sever, Stephanie
Subject:=09ENA v. Adkins


=09This will confirm our telephone conference with Mike Farrell, Franklin A=
dkins' attorney, today. Based on my recommendation, you and I followed up =
with him today to see if Adkins still wanted to pursue his claim, despite o=
ur response to him.

=09Farrell told us that although his client had not yet received his writte=
n legal analysis, Adkins does not want to drop the claim. Farrell told you=
and me that he thought the "mere sending of your confirm" did not overweig=
h the months that ENA paid Adkins under the index price, which established =
in Farrell's view a course of dealing between the parties that made the ind=
ex price the correct price. During this short telephone conference, Farrel=
l never said whether his client had received the confirmation. Of course, =
our position is that whether Adkins' telefax machine printed out the confir=
mation is irrelevant; we have the evidence necessary to show that we sent i=

=09Farrell told us that he expected to send us a response next week, contin=
uing his demand for arbitration. He did not say whether there would be any=
settlement offer in the letter. I will advise you as soon as I receive Fa=
rrell's letter.

=09I would be very pleased to arbitrate this for you as your trial counsel.=
I believe that Farrell is correct in stating that there are sufficient fa=
cts to create a course of performance issue, on which arbitrators could rul=
e in favor of Adkins. However, I believe that we have a persuasive argumen=
t that ENA paid the incorrect price only as a result of a clerical error. =
In order to support this argument, we also need to develop the following:=

=091. Did Franklin Adkins do or not do anything as the result of receipt o=
f payment of the index price for a period of time that disadvantaged him? =
The timing of when Adkins first realized he was being paid the index price=
may be critical. I need to speak to the right person about how we would h=
ave made payment and what business documents were sent to Adkins after the =
confirm was telefaxed, and get copies of all those documents. Could someon=
e tell me who that would be? =20

=092. Did ENA correct the price before or after the spot market price rose=
above the contract price? (You had kindly agreed to do the homework on thi=
s). Also, I need Mary to advise me when she was instructed to perform the =
internal audit, why and by whom, and get copies from her of all her file ma=
terial on that audit.

=09I greatly appreciate your and everyone else's help. If anyone has any t=
houghts on other homework we could or need to be doing, please let me know.=
If anyone knows of someone else who needs to be in the loop on this, plea=
se let me know.

=09I will continue to keep you advised.


