Enron Mail

Subject:Richard, 1/2 Price Holiday Offers from Omaha Steaks, plus a FREE
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:48:23 -0800 (PST)

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You are receiving this message from iHomeowners, Inc. on behalf of Omaha Steaks.
It is our goal to bring you the best in online promotions.
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dear Richard, Just look at what you'll save this holiday season: (Limit of 4 of each selection at these exclusive savings) Top Sirloins 8 (6 oz.) Top Sirloins (4991) Reg. $64.00, Now Only $32.00 SAVE 50%! Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignons 4 (5 oz.) Bacon-Wrapped Filets (1144) Reg. $49.99, Now Only $24.99 SAVE 50%! The Deluxe Sampler 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons (4952) 2 (9 oz.) Boneless Strips 2 (6 oz.) Top Sirloins 6 (4 oz.) Gourmet Burgers 2 (1 lb.) Pkgs. Sirloin Tips Reg. $120.00, Now Only $60.00 SAVE 50%! [IMAGE] The Gourmet Grillers 4 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons (628) 8 (5 oz.) Gourmet Burgers Reg. $84.00, Now Only $42.00, SAVE 50%! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE]

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