Enron Mail

Subject:Richard, Get Your FREE Homeowner Tips Exclusively for You!
Date:Tue, 20 Nov 2001 18:44:37 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] NOVEMBER 2001 Edition Dear Richard, Thank you for visiting Lo=
anWeb/4Insurance. On behalf of our sister site www.iHomeowner.com , we're s=
ending this useful iHomeowner Monthly Newsletter to you. It's specifically =
dedicated to the needs of Homeowners such as yourself. For much more, pleas=
e visit www.iHomeowner.com , a one-stop solution for all of your homeowners=
hip needs before, during, and after the sale. [IMAGE] REFINANCE WITHOUT=
EXTENDING THE LOAN TERM Let Us Show You How With the lowest mortgage r=
ates in years, now is the perfect time to refinance. And, you don't even n=
eed to extend the term of your loan. Click here to learn more. DECORATI=
NG: COLOR THERAPY FOR YOUR HOME Take the Color Quiz [IMAGE]Color says a=
lot about you and your home. Take the Color Quiz and find out how to use c=
olors to give the impression you want. Click here to learn more. REDUCE=
YOUR ENERGY BILLS Quick and Easy Ways to Save [IMAGE]Winter is around =
the corner, and so are higher energy bills. Read these ideas to effectivel=
y combat those rising costs. Click here to learn more. HOME AUTOMATION =
& EXTREME DESIGNS See What the Future Holds Home automation is advancin=
g quickly. Look at what's being planned and check out some extreme home de=
signs already out there. Click here to learn more. HOME IMPROVEMENT PRO=
JECT CALCULATORS Automatically Calculate How Much You Need [IMAGE]Confu=
sed about how much paint, wallpaper, insulation, etc., you'll need for your=
next project? These calculators will figure it out. Click here to learn m=
ore. GREAT SHOPPING IDEAS FOR YOUR HOME The Best Online Deals Around =
[IMAGE]Check out these incredible online deals for home-related items. Y=
ou'll love the selections and save a bundle of cash. Click here to learn mo=
re. THANKSGIVING - FOOD & FESTIVITIES Create the Perfect Holiday [I=
MAGE]Party planning. Turkey carving. Leftover recipes. We have it all. =
Celebrate Thanksgiving this year without a hitch. Click here to learn more.=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Get Your Loan at LoanWeb.com [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] Find Your Homeownership Needs at iHomeowner.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] Save Up to 35% on Your Rates at 4Insurance.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Brows=
e Great Shopping Deals for Your Home [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Suggestions for Y=
our Thanksgiving Celebration Tell us what YOU want to read about in=
future editions. Our privacy policy. To unsubscribe to this public=
ation, just reply to this message and put "unsubscribe" somewhere in the su=
bject line. You can also unsubscribe by clicking here. =09