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[IMAGE] DECEMBER 2001 Edition Dear Richard, Thank you for visiting Lo= anWeb/4Insurance. On behalf of our sister site www.iHomeowner.com , we're s= ending this useful iHomeowner Monthly Newsletter to you. It's specifically = dedicated to the needs of Homeowners such as yourself. For much more, pleas= e visit www.iHomeowner.com , a one-stop solution for all of your homeowners= hip needs before, during, and after the sale. [IMAGE] REFINANCING YOUR = MORTGAGE Knowing When is the Time to Change The real estate market fluc= tuates, so knowing when to refinance is critical. What factors should infl= uence your decision? Click here to learn more. HOW TO AVOID PREDATORY L= ENDERS Don't Fall for Common Traps [IMAGE]Predatory lenders are everywh= ere. Learn how to spot them and outsmart them. It's survival of the fitte= st! Click here to learn more. IDEAL FURNITURE ARRANGEMENTS - 6 SECRETS = Create the Perfect Living Space [IMAGE]Arrange a room like a profession= al. Learn where to place chairs, sofas, tables, lamps, plants, etc., for t= he best setting. Click here to learn more. BIG SCREEN THEATERS FOR YOUR= HOME Their Popularity is Your Benefit [IMAGE]The thrill of the big scr= een at home is more popular than ever. What is necessary for the ideal sys= tem? Click here to learn more. 12 TIPS TO LOWER HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE S= urefire Advice to Save You Money Don't pay through the roof for proper h= omeowners insurance. These tips will lower your costs. Click here to learn= more. SUPER SHOPPING SALES Great Gifts at Even Better Prices [IMAG= E]Browse some fantastic sales and find the perfect gift. These popular sto= res carry the latest and greatest. Click here to learn more. HAPPY HOLI= DAY CELEBRATION Enjoy the Season Without the Stress [IMAGE]Decoration p= rojects. Tasty recipes. Easy-to-make gift ideas. Even try building your = own snowman online! Click here to learn more. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] Get Your Loan at LoanWeb.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Find Your Homeownershi= p Needs at iHomeowner.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Save Up to 35% on Your Rates= at 4Insurance.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Super Shopping Sales [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] Helpful Hints for a Happy Holiday Tell us what YOU want to r= ead about in future editions. Our privacy policy. To unsubscribe to= this publication, just reply to this message and put "unsubscribe" somewhe= re in the subject line. You can also unsubscribe by clicking here. = =09