Enron Mail

Subject:To: All Domestic Employees who Participate in the Enron Corp
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 20:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

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X-From: Corporate Benefits@ENRON
X-To: All Enron Employees United States Group@ENRON <??SAll Enron Employees United States Group@ENRON<
X-Folder: \Sanders, Richard B (Non-Privileged)\Sanders, Richard B.\Deleted Items
X-Origin: Sanders-R
X-FileName: Sanders, Richard B (Non-Privileged).pst

October 26 is fast approaching!

Mark your calendar--
as the Enron Corp. Savings Plan moves to a new administrator!

As a Savings Plan Participant, Friday, October 26 at 3:00pm CST will be your last day to:

? Transfer Investment Fund Balances and make Contribution Allocation Changes
? Change your Contribution Rate for the November 15th payroll deductions
? Enroll if you were hired before October 1

TWO important reminders:

? Vanguard Lifestrategy investment options are being replaced with Fidelity Freedom funds and;
? Your funds will remain invested in the funds chosen as of 3:00pm CST until 8:00 am November 20.

At 8:00 am CST, November 20 the Savings Plan system re-opens with great new features.

Should you need assistance during the transition period, call ext. 3-7979 and press Option 6. This option will be available from 8:00am CST October 29 until 5:00pm CST November 19.

Enron Benefits... keeping pace with your lifestyle.