Enron Mail

Subject:Trade up to 50 stocks at once
Date:Tue, 16 Oct 2001 13:22:22 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] Dear RICHARD, Are you too busy to build a portfolio from scratc=
h? Now there's an innovative new way for investors to build a diversified =
portfolio of stocks with a single investment. With E*TRADE Stock Baskets=
, you can get the easy diversification you want, combined with direct owne=
rship of individual stocks. You can choose off-the-shelf baskets, then ove=
r time you can add stocks or remove ones you don't like. It can be flexibl=
e and tax?efficient because you manage your own investments. And Stock Bas=
kets are also easy and convenient to purchase because your investment is d=
ollar-based instead of share-based. In addition, you pay just an annual fe=
e,* so E*TRADE Stock Baskets can be a smart long-term investment tool. Th=
ree ways to invest in E*TRADE Stock Baskets: [IMAGE] You can choose fro=
m 21 off-the-shelf baskets (based on index, sector, or style) created by t=
he professionals at Standard & Poor's.
[IMAGE] Research and build your own basket with up to 50 stocks. [IMAGE] =
Or do both! Select an off-the-shelf basket, then customize it to meet your=
individual objectives. Simplify your life. Open your E*TRADE Stock Bask=
ets account today. With a single investment, you can create a customize=
d portfolio and make your money work for you. The minimum investment is $5=
,000 (or $2,000 for IRAs). So click on www.stockbaskets.etrade.com or cal=
l 1-800-STOCKS-5 and find out how easy and convenient diversification can =
be. [IMAGE] *Fee Schedule Assets Annual Fee $0 ? $49,999 1.25% =
per year $50,000 ? $99,999 1.00% per year $100,000+ 0.75% per year Inve=
stors must decide for themselves whether Stock Baskets and the securities =
therein are suited to their financial conditions, investment objectives, a=
nd tolerance for risk. E*TRADE makes no representation regarding the suita=
bility of investing in Stock Baskets. ? 2001 E*TRADE Securities, Incorpo=
rated. Member NASD/SIPC. All rights reserved. E*TRADE and the E*TRADE logo=
are registered trademarks of E*TRADE Securities, Inc. HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE=
: You received this e-mail because you registered on the E*TRADE Web site, =
or on one of our partners' sites. If you do not want to receive partner e-m=
ail offers, or any E*TRADE marketing e-mail, you can change your preference=
s now. You are subscribed at: richard.b.sanders@enron.com E*TRADE takes yo=
ur privacy seriously. To learn more about E*TRADE's use of personal informa=
tion, please read our Privacy Policy . System response and account access=
time may vary due to a variety of factors, including trading volumes, mar=
ket conditions, and system performance. =09