Enron Mail

To:andrew.edison@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com
Subject:RSM v. El Paso
Cc:charles.cheek@enron.com, robert.vote@enron.com, becky.zikes@enron.com,lisa.robichaux@enron.com
Bcc:charles.cheek@enron.com, robert.vote@enron.com, becky.zikes@enron.com,lisa.robichaux@enron.com
Date:Mon, 29 Oct 2001 15:48:24 -0800 (PST)

=09I have not heard back from Lazaro as to our request for an extension of =
time. I left a call for him today, asking him to call me back tomorrow mor=

=09I have received a copy of the Court's file from Lazaro by letter dated O=
ctober 26. It is thin, but indicates that this suit clearly fit within the=
framework of a larger strategy by Grynberg involving Quinque. Keep in min=
d that what we have been served is a first supplemental petition:

=091. There is an original petition that was filed July 15, 1999, which pu=
rports to be a class action suit on behalf of Zapata County and all other s=
imilarly situated counties and parishes in the United States of America for=
deliquent ad valorem taxes and other damages. Although I have not compare=
d the original petition in Zapata County with the petition in Quinque, both=
the list of defendants and allegations of mismeasurement appear to be the =
same. The plaintiff's attorneys seem to be the same. Although I have not =
compared the original Zapata petition with the first supplemental Zapata pe=
tition, I see no mention of RSM Production or the Zapata County Independent=
School District in the original petition, although both appear in the firs=
t supplemental petition. There is no class action allegation in the supple=
mental petition (although it does mention gas produced in Zapata county and=
, cryptically, in other counties). I have never seen a "supplemental" plea=
ding that dropped class action allegations and defendants, and added plaint=
iffs. The first supplemental petition is more correctly titled an amended =
petition. Perhaps the plaintiff's attorney had a reason for not calling at=
tention to the radical change in the nature of a lawsuit.

=092. On March 21, 2000, the Court issued an order on plaintiff's verified=
motion to retain case. The order was based on a motion by plaintiff for i=
tself and all other similarly situated counties, alleging that the same gro=
up of defendants had been sued in Quinque and removed the case. "Judicial =
economy will result in the present action by waiting for a ruling in the Ka=
nsas litigation, thus avoiding the same procedural motions in this case." =
Plaintiff moved for and was granted abatement of the case for 6 months unti=
l September 21, 2000 or until 30 days after a ruling on the motion for rema=
nd in the Kansas litigation, whichever comes first. =20
=093. On March 12, 2001 (almost a year later than item #2), one of plainti=
ff's counsel, the law firm of Farnsworth and Von Berg, L.L.P., here in Hous=
ton, moved to withdraw as counsel for non-payment of fees by Jack Grynberg.=
The motion notes as follows: "In November 1999, following filing of this=
lawsuit, Movants and Jack Grynberg and RSM Corporation, as representative =
of Zapata County Independent School District, severed their attorney/client=
relationship because Jack Grynberg failed to pay attorney fees as per thei=
r contractual agreement." There is nothing in the file reflecting even a p=
roposed order, much less a hearing on the motion.

=094. The Court's docket sheet indicates that on August 30, 2001, the case=
was called again by the Court and "reset for 9-27-01" (I am assuming that =
this is for another DWOP docket).

=095. On September 25, plaintiffs filed their first supplemental petition =
by fax.

=096. On September 27, the case was called before Judge Robert R. Eschenbu=
rg, and Jose A. Lopez (one of the plaintiff's attorneys) attended, and a sc=
heduling order was to be filed.

=097. On October 1, about 20 citations were issued on various defendants.

=098. On October 19, a letter to Jose Lopez from Margaret Timmons was file=
d. The file sent to me does not contain a copy.

=099. On October 22, the Court's docket literally shows that citation was =
served on Enron Gas Marketing, Inc., "Not executed." I think that means th=
at the return of service on Enron Gas Marketing Inc. was filed.

=09I will make copies and have them distributed.
