Enron Mail

To:pgurfein@akingump.com, jcrossen@apx.com, rberry@apx.com,rich.stevens@avistacorp.com, david.burns@bakerbotts.com, doug.anderson@calenergy.com, dag@dgdk.com, rkd@dgdk.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, adefelice@ggfcmk.com, cstremmel@ggfcmk.com, ghanke
Subject:CalPx Minutes of Meetings of Official Committee of ParticipantCreditors
Date:Fri, 11 May 2001 00:38:00 -0700 (PDT)

Attached are redlined minutes of meetings of April 6, 9, 13 and 17. The changes from what you have already seen are very minor.

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- 1200244.red.pdf
- 1200690.red.pdf
- 1201689.red.2pdf.PDF
- 1201694.red.2pdf.PDF