Enron Mail

Subject:FW: CAISO Notice - Cash Allocation Policies
Date:Fri, 3 Aug 2001 12:24:34 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Woertz, Byron [mailto:BWoertz@caiso.com]=20
Sent:=09Tuesday, July 24, 2001 6:25 PM
To:=09ISO Market Participants
Subject:=09CAISO Notice - Cash Allocation Policies

ISO Market Participants:
Since Trade Month November 2000 (which settled beginning in January 2001), =
payment defaults in the ISO markets have caused the ISO to pay less than th=
e full amount due Scheduling Coordinators (SCs) in the monthly cash clearin=
g process. The purpose of this message is to describe the ISO's policies a=
nd procedures in settling the market when defaults occur. As set forth in =
Section SABP 6.7.4 of the ISO Tariff, when payment defaults occur from SCs =
that have obligations to the ISO's markets (Debtor SCs), the shortfall is t=
o be prorated to SCs with net amounts due them (Creditor SCs) based on thei=
r outstanding balances. The principles that drive how amounts are settled a=
nd defaults are allocated to Creditor SCs are summarized below:
Proportionate allocation of defaults - The total amount of market defaults =
is allocated to the Creditor SCs on a proportionate basis such that each Cr=
editor SC receives the same percentage of their total net amount receivable=
for the month. SCs are allowed to net the credits and debits on a monthly=
basis as described below. The intent of the Tariff is to equitably distri=
bute market shortfalls only to those SCs that have net market receivables f=
or the period. =20
Each month is treated as a whole period - Final and preliminary invoices ar=
e combined when possible (see exception conditions below) in allocating mar=
ket defaults. Cash payments from the market are received in two stages (pr=
eliminary and final). At preliminary, market payments are distributed base=
d on the preliminary amounts due to the Creditor SCs as set forth in the pr=
eliminary invoices. Final invoices serve essentially as true-ups to the pre=
liminary invoices, and accordingly, payments received at final are redistri=
buted to the extent possible to achieve true-up allocations for the whole m=
onth considering the combined amounts due the Creditor SCs from both the pr=
eliminary and final invoices.
Each month is treated as a discrete period - Market defaults are generally =
allocated to the Creditor SCs that have amounts due for the month being set=
tled. The exceptions to this rule involve (1) SCs that are Creditor SCs in=
the current month but have default obligations relating to prior periods o=
r (2) Debtor SCs that pay in the current month but have unpaid balances for=
prior months. In the first instance, the Creditor SC would not be paid to=
the extent of default obligations from prior months. Amounts due to the C=
reditor SC would be allocated back to the default period and such proceeds =
would be allocated based on remaining amounts still owed for that period. I=
n the second instance the current month's payment is carried back and appli=
ed first to the oldest outstanding balance. The proceeds would be distribut=
ed to the Creditor SCs for that earlier period based on the Creditor SCs un=
paid balances in that month. With respect to the carry back of payments to=
the earliest period, Pre and Post bankruptcy debts are deemed to be from d=
ifferent SCs.
GMC defaults are remedied as a first priority on market payments - GMC is =
billed separately from market billings on both preliminary and final invoic=
es each month. In the event of payment default on any GMC invoices (at eit=
her preliminary or final), market funds are transferred to satisfy GMC obli=
gations before any market distributions are made. This first priority posi=
tion for GMC revenues is set forth in Section SABP of the ISO Tarif=
f. Therefore, when both GMC and market defaults occur (as has occurred in =
each of the past few months), the Creditor SCs have two reductions to the m=
arket clearing amounts ultimately paid - an allocated portion of the GMC de=
fault, and an allocated portion of the market default. RMR invoices and pa=
yments are not affected by market or GMC defaults - The RMR invoicing proce=
ss involves amounts due from the PTO's to the RMR Owners as set forth in mo=
nthly invoices processed through the ISO's systems. However, such amounts =
are invoiced independent of the ISO's market and GMC billing processes, and=
accordingly, market and/or GMC defaults do not impact RMR related payments=
There are a number of factors that complicate the monthly process of alloca=
ting cash to Creditor SCs when defaults occur. Some of these factors inclu=
* amounts received after payment date deadlines - such amounts are typicall=
y included in the next distribution
* market payments due to Creditor SCs that default on GMC in the current mo=
nth - such market allocations are reduced by the specific amount of the GMC=
default by the Creditor SC
* allocations to prior months - not made unless the amount exceeds
0.5% of that months billed amounts
* small invoices under $5,000 are paid in full rather than the allocated pe=
For more information about these allocation issues or any other related mat=
ters, please contact Melodie Iverson (916) 351-2174 (e-mail mkiverson@caiso=
.com <mailto:miverson@caiso.com< ) or Mike Epstein (916) 351-2314 (e-mail m=
epstein@caiso.com <mailto:mepstein@caiso.com< ) at the ISO. =20

Byron B. Woertz, Jr.
Director, Client Relations
Phone: (916) 608-7066
Pager: (800) 481-7037