Enron Mail

To:apickens@gibbs-bruns.com, breasoner@gibbs-bruns.com, djn@pkns.com,jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com, dcastro@pkns.com, mmolland@brobeck.com, msmith1@enron.com, pmeringolo@brobeck.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, robert.c.williams@enron.com, sbishop@gibbs-b
Subject:FW: EES Data Preservation
Date:Tue, 8 May 2001 06:37:00 -0700 (PDT)


< -----Original Message-----
< From: Fergus, Gary S.
< Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 5:05 PM
< To: Richard Rochman (E-mail)
< Subject: EES Data Preservation
< Importance: High
< Rich,
< Here is a summary of what we discussed with respect to EES.
< 1. EES will take its oldest backup tape as a snapshot of the email
< system as it then existed. EES will not be making daily backups of the
< email system. (This would involve about 7 tapes per day.) Thus, current
< business email will not be kept for EES unless there is a business reason
< to do so.
< 2. EES will take its oldest backup tape of data for its file servers as
< a snapshop of the data that existed at that time. EES will not be making
< any other backups of file server data other than they normally would in
< the ordinary course of business
< 3. EES will not be taking copies or mirror images of the 300 employees
< hard drives and any associated floppy disks at this time. Employees will
< continue to use their equipment as they normally would.
< 4. If you need additional data preservation regarding EES other than as
< described above, you will let me know.
< Please let me know if this summary is not accurate.
< Thanks
< Gary

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