Enron Mail

To:richard.sanders@enron.com, mday@gmssr.com, james.steffes@enron.com,mary.hain@enron.com, gfergus@brobeck.com, susan.mara@enron.com, paul.kaufman@enron.com
Subject:Fwd: administrative subpoena to WPTF from the Attorney General
Date:Wed, 15 Nov 2000 02:37:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 11/15/2000 10:38 AM -----

"Daniel Douglass" <Douglass@ArterHadden.com<
11/15/2000 10:29 AM

To: <Barbara_Klemstine@apsc.com<, <Bob_Anderson@apses.com<,
<dcazalet@apx.com<, <billr@calpine.com<, <jackp@calpine.com<,
<glwaas@calpx.com<, <Ken_Czarnecki@calpx.com<, <cabaker@duke-energy.com<,
<gavaughn@duke-energy.com<, <rjhickok@duke-energy.com<, <gtbl@dynegy.com<,
<KEWH@dynegy.com<, <jdasovic@enron.com<, <susan_j_mara@enron.com<,
<curt.Hatton@gen.pge.com<, <foothill@lmi.net<, <camiessn@newwestenergy.com<,
<jcgardin@newwestenergy.com<, <rsnichol@newwestenergy.com<,
<rllamkin@seiworldwide.com<, <cfi1@tca-us.com<, <Roger.Pelote@Williams.com<
Subject: Fwd: administrative subpoena to WPTF from the Attorney General

Attached is a copy of the subpoena sent to WPTF by the AG's office.
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:30:46 -0800
From: "Richard Rochman" <ROCHMAR@hdcdojnet.state.ca.us<
To: douglass@arterhadden.com
Subject: administrative subpoena to WPTF from the Attorney General
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-WSS-ID: 16102199361214-01-01
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_B7EC8E15.52335EC2"

Here is an electronic version of the administrative subpoena to the WPTF,
along with the cover letter. Both are in WordPerfect 8. These materials
will also be served by mail. I apologize for the telephone tag, but my
schedule has regularly taken me out of the office. -Rich

- WptfCoverLetterAdSubpoena.wpd
- wptfsubpoena.wpd