Enron Mail

To:alan.comnes@enron.com, e-mail <'.'gary@enron.com<, robert.frank@enron.com,tim.belden@enron.com, b..sanders@enron.com, wanda.curry@enron.com, l..nicolay@enron.com
Subject:RE: Refund Cases Timelines--Confidential Atty Client Work Product
Date:Thu, 6 Sep 2001 06:44:11 -0700 (PDT)

The prehearing conference in the CA case was an interesting proceeding. It=
became very apparent that the ISO was primarily responsible for the delay =
in producing data. The parties complained that they had not received what =
the ISO had promised. The PX complained that they had received NO reliable=
data from ISO (it was riddled with errors) and that they were at the same =
point as at the beginning of the entire proceeding. The PX needs the ISO d=
ata in order to commence generating the data that the PX itself needs to pr=
oduce. In any event, the new, delayed schedule is a positive development. =
It is noteworthy that we were able to group consideration of refunds issue=
s and offsets to refunds on the same date- October 26 (previously refund te=
stimony was considered first, and testimony related to possible offsets to =
refunds was considered on a subsequent date). This is very positive since =
it reduces the chance that the proceeding will be only about refunds and th=
at the offsets issue will be marginalized. Ray Alvarez

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Comnes, Alan =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, September 05, 2001 7:42 PM
To:=09Comnes, Alan; 'Gary Fergus (E-mail)'; Alvarez, Ray; Frank, Robert; Be=
lden, Tim; Sanders, Richard B.; Curry, Wanda; Nicolay, Christi L.
Cc:=09Steffes, James D.
Subject:=09RE: Refund Cases Timelines--Confidential Atty Client Work Produc=

The DC Team (Linda Robertson, Ray Alvarez) attended and reported on today's=
prehearing conference in the California case. The schedule has moved back=
about a full month mostly due to the time required by PX and CAISO to prod=
uce mitigated market clearing prices and to re-run settlements based on tho=
se revised prices. Testimony by Enron on what it is owed is now not due un=
til October 26. In addition to adopting this schedule, the ALJ reported th=
at the FERC likely not rule on petitions for rehearing of the July 25 order=
until October 15, 2001.

A revised schedule is attached. (To see how it has changed, you can toggle=
Track Changes | Hightlight on Screen on and off)

The PNW case is moving along on schedule; changes attached are corrections =
rather than actual changes to the schedule. Notably in today's case, Seatt=
le and Tacoma waived all cross on TFG witnesses, including Enron's.

Alan Comnes

<< File: Refund Cases Calendar 090501.doc <<=20
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Comnes, Alan =20
Sent:=09Thursday, August 30, 2001 1:32 PM
To:=09Gary Fergus (E-mail); Alvarez, Ray; Frank, Robert; Belden, Tim
Cc:=09Steffes, James D.
Subject:=09Refund Cases Timelines--Confidential Atty Client Work Product


Per your request.

Everybody else: please forward corrections/updates to me.


Alan Comnes

<< File: Refund Case Calendars.doc <<