Enron Mail

Subject:Schedule for Puget Sound PNW Refund Case
Date:Thu, 2 Aug 2001 11:01:28 -0700 (PDT)

Below is the procedural schedule that Judge Cintron established for the PNW refund case. Please call if you have any questions.

8/3 Answers to Intervention Motions
Designation of Groups of Like Interests
Staff to propose template (filter) identifying sales and purchases
that must be submitted
8/7 Comments on template
8/9 ALJ issuance of final template
8/16 Parties submit transactions that fit in template
Parties submit stipulation of issues
8/17 Refund claimaints submit affirmative case
8/20 Parties submit join stipulation on the treatment of ripple claims (claims for refunds up the daisy chain)
8/22 Parties from whom refunds are sought submit responsive cas
8/27 Refund claimants submit rebuttal cas
9/4-6 Hearing
9/17 Parties submit proposed findings and post hearing briefs

Jeffrey D. (Dan) Watkiss
Bracewell & Patterson, LLP
2000 K St., N.W.
Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20006-1872
(202) 828-5851