Enron Mail

Subject:FW: John W. Schultes v. McDonald Investments, etal
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 02:41:00 -0700 (PDT)

The following e-mail from Rob Cole relates to the NSM case that was filed i=
Ohio. We need to provide him the name of our Ohio counsel, any engagement=
agreement with counsel, any invoices you have received to date on this=20
matter, and copies of our answer and any other pleadings that have been=20
filed. We also need to ask outside counsel to provide a preliminary exposu=
evaluation. Please let me know with whom I should work to gather this=20
information. Also, please send me a copy of the interrogatory response in=
the California case that you mentioned to me in the last week or so, so tha=
we can revisit coverage on that matter. Thanks.

Bonnie J. White
Enron Litigation Unit
1400 Smith Street, Suite 4824
Houston, TX 77002
Ph: 713-853-7244
Fax: 713-853-6576

-----Original Message-----
From: Cole, Rob =20
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 6:33 AM
To: White, Bonnie
Cc: Cole, Rob; Studdert, James P.; Robichaux, Lisa
Subject: John W. Schultes v. McDonald Investments, etal

Bonnie, Jim Studdert has assigned me the lawsuit of John W. Schultes v.=20
McDonald Investments, etal., wherein ENA and ECT Thailand are named=20

I have reviewed the lawsuit and have determined there is an obligation to=
defend this entire matter given the allegations associated with =01&Persona=
injury=018, which means injury, other than "bodily injury", arising out of =
or written publication of material that slanders or libels a person or=20
organization or disparages a person's or organization's goods, products or=
services, and/or oral or written publication of material that violates a=20
person's right of privacy.

A review of the Complaint indicates there are allegations associated with=
Defamation Per Se, Defamation Per Quod, and Invasion of Privacy. All of th=
other allegations are predicated on =01&intentional=018 conduct/activity, w=
would not constitute an =01&occurrence=018 which has resulted in =01&bodily=
injury=018 or=20
=01&property damage=018. Thus, while we will defend the entire lawsuit, we=
only contribute to a settlement or respond to an award for damages associat=
with the aforementioned counts, assuming such were not made with knowledge =
their falsity.

I note suit was filed on February 22, 2001. As such, please immediately=20
provide me with the following for our file:

* The identity of defense counsel and a copy of the Engagement Agreement=20
which was provided to them (please include copies of all required monthly=
billing statements which they have submitted thus far so we can consider=20
reimbursement to the operating company from the date we were first given=20
notice of this matter).
* Provide a copy of the Answer and any other pleadings filed to-date.
* Have defense counsel provide their analysis of our alleged exposure, if n=
done already.
* Advise who is the assigned ELU Legal Assistant assigned to this matte=
so we can advise them to copy us on all correspondence going forward.

Following receipt of the above, it may be a good idea to meet and discuss=
this matter. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,

Rob Cole, Manager-Claims
ENA - Global Risk Markets
P.O. Box 1188 (77251-1188)
1400 Smith Street, EB2136F
Houston, Texas 77002
713-853-7739 (telephone)
713-646-2341 (facsimile)
Rob.Cole@Enron.com (email)