Enron Mail

Subject:Re: In re ICTS/Alabama v. Scottsboro
Cc:britt.davis@enron.com, becky.zikes@enron.com, marcus.nettelton@enron.com,richard.sanders@enron.com
Bcc:britt.davis@enron.com, becky.zikes@enron.com, marcus.nettelton@enron.com,richard.sanders@enron.com
Date:Thu, 14 Dec 2000 01:19:00 -0800 (PST)

MTS pleased to add his agreement


From: Nicole Dion on 13/12/2000 13:30 CST
To: Britt Davis/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Becky Zikes/Corp/Enron@Enron, Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron@Enron, Martin
Stanley/EU/Enron@Enron, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Re: In re ICTS/Alabama v. Scottsboro


Entity should be Enron Metals & Commodity Ltd., since all our contracts and
invoices are issued on behalf of Ltd. . If Scottsboro
agree to sign this letter please go ahead.

Nicole Dion

Britt Davis
12/13/2000 12:27 PM

To: Martin Stanley/EU/Enron@Enron, Nicole Dion/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcus
cc: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Becky Zikes/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: In re ICTS/Alabama v. Scottsboro

Apologies; here is the revised draft, with Marcus's suggested revisions.

----- Forwarded by Britt Davis/Corp/Enron on 12/13/2000 11:25 AM -----

Britt Davis
12/13/2000 11:25 AM

To: Martin Stanley/EU/Enron@Enron, Nicole Dion/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcus
cc: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Becky Zikes/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: In re ICTS/Alabama v. Scottsboro

Attached is a revised draft of the document I sent to you all earlier this
morning. Given Marcus's well-placed concern that this letter would probably
not be privileged from discovery in this or other related matters, I (a)
beefed up the confidentiality provisions and (b) eliminated references to the
reasons that we are including a confidentiality provision. I also mentioned
that Enron would be billed directly by Scottsboro's outside counsel in this
matter, which I know was a specific concern of Dean Varnek, Scottsboro's

Please let me have your other comments/authority at your earliest convenience.

----- Forwarded by Britt Davis/Corp/Enron on 12/13/2000 11:20 AM -----

Britt Davis
12/13/2000 09:54 AM

To: Martin Stanley/EU/Enron@Enron, Nicole Dion/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcus
cc: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Becky Zikes/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: In re ICTS/Alabama v. Scottsboro

Attached for your immediate review and approval is a proposed letter from
Enron (please make sure I correctly identified the right Enron entity)
agreeing to idemnify and defend Scottsboro in this matter. I told
Scottsboro's attorney yesterday that this would be coming once we confirmed
that all the loads for which Scottsboro is being sued are our loads. Nicole
tells me that this is in fact the case. I would like to send out this letter
ASAP today, to give us time to make arrangements with Scottsboro's usual
attorneys, who then will be asked to get an extension of time for Scottsboro
to answer from the trucker's counsel.

I await your advice (Richard, per your instructions today, I will assume that
you have no problem with this letter).
