Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Pacific Virgo - Eric Tan's Statement
Cc:david.best@clyde.co.uk, ngregson@wfw.com, richard.sanders@enron.com,alan.aronowitz@enron.com, michael.robison@enron.com, harry.collins@enron.com, james.studdert@enron.com, matthias.lee@enron.com
Bcc:david.best@clyde.co.uk, ngregson@wfw.com, richard.sanders@enron.com,alan.aronowitz@enron.com, michael.robison@enron.com, harry.collins@enron.com, james.studdert@enron.com, matthias.lee@enron.com
Date:Mon, 4 Dec 2000 01:53:00 -0800 (PST)


Neale had reconfirmed the statement with Eric before it was signed. I
understand David had no further comments from the last draft Neale had


As requested by Britt, please let us have your views regarding the
possibility of a consulting agreement.


From: Britt Davis@ENRON on 12/01/2000 10:51 PM
To: Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT
cc: David.Best@clyde.co.uk, ngregson@wfw.com, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael A Robison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry M
Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, James P Studdert/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Pacific Virgo - Eric Tan's Statement


Thanks for the heads-up; if you told me in the past that Eric was leaving, I
had forgotten. Eric is obviously a key witness in this case for us; I very
much hope that he can be available to help us after he leaves and that he is
indeed leaving in good graces. Based on my recollection of my review of his
statement, I don't have any problem if he has already signed it.

If he hasn't signed it already, I would ask Eric to hold off a few more days
and let David and Neale immediately consider whether the statement needs to
be amended in any respect, so that this can be done before he signs it. My
feeling is that it is much better not to have more than one version of a
signed witness statement. I would also like to have David's thoughts on
whether, under the circumstances, we should go forward with some sort of
consulting agreement with Eric. I am inclined to do it, if the business
clients can shake loose the money, but do not want to if an English
arbitrator would think that such an agreement does not pass the smell test.

----- Forwarded by Britt Davis/Corp/Enron on 12/01/2000 08:20 AM -----

Matthias Lee@ECT
11/30/2000 08:40 PM

To: Britt Davis/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael A Robison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angeline
Poon/SIN/ECT@ECT, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT
Subject: Pacific Virgo - Eric Tan's Statement


As you know, Eric is scheduled to leave Enron at the end of the year. He will
be clearing the remainder of his leave shortly. I have asked Chismar on
several occasions whether an arrangement can be made to keep Eric as some
sort of consultant, seeing that he would be a key witness if the matter goes
to arbitration. Chismar said he would discuss with Nowlan but has yet to
reverted to me.

Although I believe Eric is leaving with good graces, seeing that there is
some uncertainty about his availability as a witness, I have yesterday asked
Eric to sign his statement. I also think it is advantageous for Eric to sign
the statement whilst still an employee. I have reveiwed the statement and am
comfortable with it. If there are to be subsequent changes, we can ask Eric
to sign another.

I will circulate the signed statement to the team for reference.
