Enron Mail

To:alan.aronowitz@enron.com, richard.sanders@enron.com, john.nowlan@enron.com,stuart.bland@enron.com, russell.aeria@enron.com, sheila.foo@enron.com
Subject:MT Pacific Valour - Closure of Port of Daesan
Cc:anita.fam@enron.com, angeline.poon@enron.com
Bcc:anita.fam@enron.com, angeline.poon@enron.com
Date:Fri, 8 Oct 1999 11:05:00 -0700 (PDT)

John had asked that I re-examine the issue of closure of Daesan port in
relation to a possible claim against Hyundai.

Below is the e-mail received from Jung-ah of our Korean office which I
forwarded to WFW to comment. WFW has reverted to say that their opinion that
we do not have an action against Hyundai does not change. I will forward
their response separately.


---------------------- Forwarded by Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT on 10/08/99 01:32 PM

Matthias Lee
10/06/99 07:15 PM
To: ngregson@wfw.com, sbainbridge@wfw.com
cc: Anita Fam/SIN/ECT@ECT, Angeline Poon/SIN/ECT@ECT

Subject: Port of Daesan


Below is an e-mail from our Korean office on the closure of the relevant
port. Please comment on whether your advice on an action against Hyundai
changes in its light.

Thank you

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT on 10/06/99 07:03 PM

Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.

From: Russell Aeria 10/06/99 05:49 PM

To: Anita Fam/SIN/ECT@ECT, Matthias Lee/SIN/ECT@ECT, Angeline Poon/SIN/ECT

Subject: Port of Daesan

---------------------- Forwarded by Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT on 10/06/99 05:49
PM ---------------------------

Jung-Ah Kim
10/06/99 02:11 PM
To: Sheila Foo/SIN/ECT@ECT, Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT@ECT
cc: Joong-Gie Hong/SIN/ECT@ECT

Subject: Port of Daesan

As per the Daesan port closing date,
according to the Port authority, Daesan port/ Hyundai Oil berth was closed
from 0910HRS/ 20th to 1535HRS/ 21st.
Daedong Marine Service Co. said it was 0910HRS/ 20th to 1620HRS/ 21st.

I've asked whether they can provide this in writing already, but both of them
were reluctant to give it us.
FYI, they don't receive any kinds of official letter regarding port closing
schedule/ notice because
supplier which is Hyundai oil decides upon situation case by case.

Best regards,
---------------------- Forwarded by Jung-Ah Kim/SIN/ECT on 10/06/99 03:57 PM

Sheila Foo
10/06/99 05:00 PM
To: Jung-Ah Kim/SIN/ECT@ECT
Subject: Port of Daesan


pls assist.

---------------------- Forwarded by Sheila Foo/SIN/ECT on 10/06/99 03:00 PM
From: Russell Aeria on 10/06/99 02:58 PM
To: Sheila Foo/SIN/ECT@ECT
Subject: Port of Daesan

---------------------- Forwarded by Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT on 10/06/99 02:58
PM ---------------------------

"Christos Giakoumatos" <attika@pacific.net.sg< on 10/06/99 02:52:27 PM
To: "Russell Aeria" <raeria@enron.co.uk<
cc: (bcc: Russell Aeria/SIN/ECT)

Subject: Port of Daesan

I have called Mssrs Daedong Marine Service Co. Ltd. to find out if the
Hyundai Oil berth was closed during the period of 17/9-22/9 but unfortunately
the person in charge does not speak English, he could only speak Korean or
Chinese. Could you please get some one from your organization to call Mr Yang
at the telephone number (82-455)-6605171.

Best Regards / Christos
- att1.htm