Enron Mail

To:apickens@gibbs-bruns.com, breasoner@gibbs-bruns.com, djn@pkns.com,jfrizzell@gibbs-bruns.com, mlk@pkns.com, mmolland@brobeck.com, msmith1@enron.com, pmeringolo@brobeck.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, robert.c.williams@enron.com, sbishop@gibbs-bruns
Subject:More on Senator Dunn
Date:Thu, 24 May 2001 15:33:00 -0700 (PDT)

I just spoke with another lawyer in our firm that worked at the Robins
Caplin plaintiffs firm where Joe Dunn was before he went to Mark Robinson's
firm. From an associates perspective, Joe Dunn was never the person to
write the briefs. He would always have his cross examination scripted by
others. The bottom line is that Joe Dunn can be very dangerous with the
correct support -- on his own, he is unlikely to figure it out. Said
differently, Joe Dunn is not a nuts and bolts lawyer. He is the front
person -- great in front of people and the big picture. He last was
involved in a case in 1993-94.

I spoke with another partner in our firm whose wife is a former partner of
Joe Dunn's. Another report that Joe is very long on show and short on hard
work. The circumstances under which he left the Robin Caplin firm were not
favorable. Joe is very well connected, having spent most of his time
networking. There is the possibility that there are some things in Joe's
past that he is not particularly proud of. He is a politician and anything
that will promote his career, he will use. Said differently, he talks a
great game but is probably marginal on the legal issues.


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