Enron Mail

Subject:ExxonMobil Bushton Processing Election - January, 2001
Date:Mon, 8 Jan 2001 23:33:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 01/09/2001 07:33 AM -----

John L Nowlan
01/08/2001 09:29 AM

To: Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, gharvey@gibbs-bruns.com
cc: Craig Story
Subject: ExxonMobil Bushton Processing Election - January, 2001

Richard, Grant, here is the reply from ONEOK, clearly notice after the 20th.
Would like to talk how we proceed.
---------------------- Forwarded by John L Nowlan/HOU/ECT on 01/08/2001 09:27
AM ---------------------------

mbelcher@oneok.com on 01/05/2001 04:12:51 PM
To: john.l.nowlan@enron.com
cc: s.craig.story@enron.com
Subject: ExxonMobil Bushton Processing Election - January, 2001


I am in receipt of your letter concerning Mobil's election not to process its
gas through Bushton for the month of January, 2001. Below is a copy of the
email received from Mobil concerning their gas election. We are developing
estimate of the processing costs for ECT. Will forward under seperate cover.
In the future we will forward the Mobil notification when received.

Thank you for your patience.

Michael Belcher

---------------------- Forwarded by Mike Belcher/ONEOK on 01/05/2001 04:07 PM

Tom R. Chitwood
01/05/2001 03:58 PM


Subject: ExxonMobil Bushton Processing Election - January, 2001

Per your request
---------------------- Forwarded by Tom R. Chitwood/ONEOK on 01/05/2001 04:02

larry.e.vollmer@exxon.com on 12/21/2000 06:55:57 PM

To: bmthomas1@duke-energy.com, mark_r_burroughs@email.mobil.com, Tom R.
Chitwood/ONEOK@ONEOKNTS, george.m.hyde@exxon.com, kim_hardman@kne.com,
doug_e_opdyke@email.mobil.com, sam_h_shaver@email.mobil.com,
christina_r_thompson@email.mobil.com, sheryl_j_thompson@email.mobil.com,
larry.e.vollmer@exxon.com, madelyn.g.siegmund@exxon.com,
kenneth_i_morrison@email.mobil.com, ray_hoggatt@email.mobil.com
cc: larry.e.vollmer@exxon.com, jennifer.h.finnan@exxon.com

Subject: ExxonMobil Bushton Processing Election - January, 2001


Please be advised ExxonMobil elects to bypass its gas at Bushton Plant for the
month of January, 2001 for NGL recovery only. We elect to continue recovering
Helium for the month of January, 2001.

Please acknowledge receipt of this processing election notice.

Larry E. Vollmer
Gas processing Manager
ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Co.
Phone: (713) 656-0122
Fax: (713) 656-6961
E-mail: larry.e.vollmer@exxon.com