Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 14 Jan 2000 01:23:00 -0800 (PST)

As you know, the deadline for filing for the March primary for judicial=20
elections was January 4th. The following incumbent judges drew no opponents=

Name Office Amount=20

1. Pricilla Owen Supreme Court $10,000
2. Mark Davidson 11th District $500
3. John Donovan 61st District $1000
4. Harvey Brown 152 District $1000
5. Tim Taft 1st Court of Appeals $250
6. John Anderson 14th Court of Appeals $250
7. Harvey Hudson 14th Court of Appeals $250
8. Richard Edelman 14th Court of Appeals $250

I would be shocked if these candidates even had fund-raisers at this point.=
Please let me know what you want to do about these uncontested raises.

I have requested $500 for Martha Hill Jamison. My sources tell me that the=
Republican activist groups (Steve Hotze) will be supporting Frank Gerald ov=
Martha Hill Jamison. Perhaps we should hedge our bets on this race. Let m=
know what you think.

There is another race that we have never talked about that I would like you=
to consider. Michael Stafford is the First Assistant to Michael Fleming, t=
County Attorney. He is running for Johnny Holmes' office. This may fall=
under Joe Allen=01,s umbrella, but I think there is a tremendous benefit t=
giving some money to Mike Stafford. Steve Radack has informed me that he h=
the "downtown establishment" support. If he wins, great. If he loses, we=
look good to Mike Fleming and to Mike Stafford. I can personally attest th=
Stafford had tremendous influence of the County Attorneys=01, office. This=
come in handy at a later date. Again, I look to you for guidance.