Enron Mail

Subject:Organizational Changes
Date:Tue, 6 Jul 1999 08:35:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT on 07/06/99=
03:33 PM ---------------------------
=09Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
=09From: Office Chairman @ ENRON 07/01/99 12:33 =

To: Enron Worldwide
cc: =20
Subject: Organizational Changes


Enron's performance has been exceptional. This performance is reflected in=
our stock price, in the recognition we receive in the media and financial=
communities, and, most importantly, in the enthusiasm of our people. It ha=
been clear to us for some time that we are driving fundamental change in th=
marketplace and that our natural gas, electricity and communications networ=
can be positioned for even greater growth. A =01&new economy=018 is emergi=
ng, an=20
economy based on intellectual capital and the compelling economics of=20
networks. Capturing the opportunities in this new economy calls for=20
increased coordination and integration across our wholesale (ECT, ECM, EI),=
retail (EES), and communications (ECI) businesses. It is our intention to=
combine the operations of these businesses into a cohesive organization tha=
will ensure we realize the growth we foresee in all our businesses.

To this end, we are initiating a number of organization and staffing change=
in these businesses and related changes in the Enron Office of the Chairman=
in Corporate Staff groups, and in a number of management/personnel=20
committees. Other business units, EOG, GPG, PGE, and Azurix, will not be=
directly affected. Accordingly, the following changes are effective=20

Enron Office of the Chairman

Joe Sutton will join the Office of the Chairman as Vice Chairman. In his n=
role, Joe will work with the two of us to manage the operations of the=20
company. =20

Rebecca Mark, previously Vice Chairman of the company, will now fully=20
concentrate on her responsibilities as Chairman and CEO of Azurix, our most=
recent public company. Rebecca has also been elected to the Enron Board of=
Directors, effective today.

Ken Harrison, previously Vice Chairman of the company, will fully concentra=
on his responsibilities as Chairman and CEO of Portland General Electric an=
Non-Executive Chairman of Enron Communications. Ken will continue to serve=
on Enron's Board of Directors.

Redefined Business Units

ECT, ECM, EI, EES, and ECI will be regrouped into eight regions/businesses=
and five global functions. Each region/business will be operated as an=20
independent entity but will coordinate staffing, career paths, compensation=
and performance review across all units. Each global function will provide=
its specialized expertise across all regions/businesses. Included in these=
functions is a new technology function, which will focus on information=20
systems and growth of our e-commerce capabilities where we believe there is=
enormous potential. These organizational units and their leadership are as=


North America: Cliff Baxter, CEO; Kevin Hannon, COO
Europe: Mark Frevert, CEO; John Sherriff, President; Dan McCarty, COO
South America: Jim Bannantine, Co-CEO; Diomedes Christodoulou, Co-CEO
India: Sanjay Bhatnagar, CEO
Caribbean, Middle East: David Haug, CEO
Asia, Africa: Rebecca McDonald, CEO
EES: Lou Pai, CEO; Tom White, Vice Chairman
ECI: Joe Hirko, Co-CEO; Ken Rice, Co-CEO (Ken Harrison =01) non-executive=

Global Functions

Risk Management: Greg Whalley, CEO
Finance: Andy Fastow, CFO; Jeff McMahon, Treasurer
Asset Operations: Kurt Huneke, CEO
EE&CC: Larry Izzo, CEO
Technology: Mike McConnell, CEO

Corporate Staff

All corporate and EI staff units will be regrouped into six corporate staff=
groups. These staff groups will support all operations of Enron. These=20
organizational units and their leadership are as follows:

Legal: Jim Derrick, EVP and General Counsel; Rob Walls, SVP and Deputy=20
General Counsel
Risk Assessment and Control: Rick Buy, EVP
Accounting and HR: Rick Causey, EVP and Chief Accounting Officer
Investor Relations: Mark Koenig, EVP
Other Staff Groups: Steve Kean, EVP and Chief of Staff
Corporate Development: To be determined.


A new Executive Committee will be formed to replace the existing Management=
and Operating Committees. Membership will be as follows:

Ken Lay, Chairman
Jeff Skilling, Alternate Chairman
Joe Sutton
Stan Horton
Jim Bannantine Kurt Huneke
Cliff Baxter Larry Izzo
Sanjay Bhatnagar Steve Kean=20
Rick Buy Mark Koenig
Rick Causey Rebecca Mark (Ad hoc)
Diomedes Christodoulou Mike McConnell=20
Jim Derrick Rebecca McDonald
Andy Fastow Jeff McMahon
Peggy Fowler Lou Pai
Mark Frevert Mark Papa (Ad hoc)
Kevin Hannon Ken Rice
Ken Harrison John Sherriff=20
David Haug Greg Whalley
Joe Hirko Tom White

Four other committees, which will be essential to the success of this new=
organization, will be formed. These committees are:

Managing Director and SVP Personnel Committee: Jeff Skilling, Chairman
Vice President Personnel Committee: Kevin Hannon, Chairman
Vision and Values Committee: Joe Sutton, Chairman
Workforce Diversity: Ken Lay, Chairman

Details of membership on these committees will follow shortly.


Over the next several weeks all of the specifics of this reorganization wil=
be further ironed out and communicated. In the meantime, please bear with =
- we are confident that these changes will have a significant, positive=20
impact on the operation and growth of the company.
