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Enron Mail |
Cc: adefelice@ggfcmk.com, awells@stroock.com, ayudkowsky@stroock.com,
bholman@whitecase.com, ceklund@llgm.com, cstremmel@ggfcmk.com, dag@dgdk.com, david.burns@bakerbotts.com, david.facey@powerex.com, doug.anderson@calenergy.com, dwhitley@llgm.com, ghanken@ggfcmk.com, hweg@pgwlaw.com, jcrossen@apx.com, jkrieger@ggfcmk.com, jrnelson@llgm.com, kjohan@ladwp.com, mcohen@ggfcmk.com, mlubic@mdbe.com, pgurfein@akingump.com, pjazayeri@stroock.com, pmar@mofo.com, rbeitler@sempratrading.com, rberry@apx.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, rich.stevens@avistacorp.com, rkd@dgdk.com, teresa.conway@powerex.com, zack.starbird@mirant.com Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc: adefelice@ggfcmk.com, awells@stroock.com, ayudkowsky@stroock.com, bholman@whitecase.com, ceklund@llgm.com, cstremmel@ggfcmk.com, dag@dgdk.com, david.burns@bakerbotts.com, david.facey@powerex.com, doug.anderson@calenergy.com, dwhitley@llgm.com, ghanken@ggfcmk.com, hweg@pgwlaw.com, jcrossen@apx.com, jkrieger@ggfcmk.com, jrnelson@llgm.com, kjohan@ladwp.com, mcohen@ggfcmk.com, mlubic@mdbe.com, pgurfein@akingump.com, pjazayeri@stroock.com, pmar@mofo.com, rbeitler@sempratrading.com, rberry@apx.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, rich.stevens@avistacorp.com, rkd@dgdk.com, teresa.conway@powerex.com, zack.starbird@mirant.com X-From: Richard B Sanders X-To: "Gurfein, Peter" <pgurfein@AkinGump.com<@ENRON X-cc: "Anne Marie DeFelice" <adefelice@ggfcmk.com<, awells@stroock.com, ayudkowsky@stroock.com, bholman@whitecase.com, ceklund@llgm.com, "Cindy Stremmel" <cstremmel@ggfcmk.com<, dag@dgdk.com, david.burns@bakerbotts.com, david.facey@powerex.com, doug.anderson@calenergy.com, dwhitley@llgm.com, "Garrett L. Hanken" <ghanken@ggfcmk.com<, hweg@pgwlaw.com, jcrossen@apx.com, "'Jeffrey A. Krieger'" <jkrieger@ggfcmk.com<, jrnelson@llgm.com, kjohan@ladwp.com, "Marc S. Cohen" <mcohen@ggfcmk.com<, mlubic@mdbe.com, "Gurfein, Peter" <pgurfein@AkinGump.com<, pjazayeri@stroock.com, pmar@mofo.com, rbeitler@sempratrading.com, rberry@apx.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, rich.stevens@avistacorp.com, rkd@dgdk.com, teresa.conway@powerex.com, zack.starbird@mirant.com X-bcc: X-Folder: \Richard_Sanders_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: Sanders-R X-FileName: rsanders.nsf Enron opposes the official ratepayers committee. "Gurfein, Peter" <pgurfein@AkinGump.com< 05/16/2001 01:15 PM To: "'Jeffrey A. Krieger'" <jkrieger@ggfcmk.com<, "Gurfein, Peter" <pgurfein@AkinGump.com<, jcrossen@apx.com, rberry@apx.com, rich.stevens@avistacorp.com, david.burns@bakerbotts.com, doug.anderson@calenergy.com, dag@dgdk.com, rkd@dgdk.com, richard.b.sanders@enron.com, "Anne Marie DeFelice" <adefelice@ggfcmk.com<, "Cindy Stremmel" <cstremmel@ggfcmk.com<, "Garrett L. Hanken" <ghanken@ggfcmk.com<, "Marc S. Cohen" <mcohen@ggfcmk.com<, kjohan@ladwp.com, ceklund@llgm.com, dwhitley@llgm.com, jrnelson@llgm.com, mlubic@mdbe.com, zack.starbird@mirant.com, pmar@mofo.com, hweg@pgwlaw.com, david.facey@powerex.com, teresa.conway@powerex.com, rbeitler@sempratrading.com, awells@stroock.com, ayudkowsky@stroock.com, pjazayeri@stroock.com, bholman@whitecase.com cc: Subject: RE: CalPX Participants' Committee - possible joinder in PGE motio n re ratepayers committee MidAmerican agrees that it is inappropriate to form an official ratepayers creditors committee in the PG&E case. Peter J. Gurfein The Financial Restructuring Group Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P. 2029 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067 310-552-6696 310-229-1001 (fax) pgurfein@akingump.com -----Original Message----- From: Jeffrey A. Krieger [mailto:jkrieger@ggfcmk.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 9:43 PM To: pgurfein@akingump.com; jcrossen@apx.com; rberry@apx.com; rich.stevens@avistacorp.com; david.burns@bakerbotts.com; doug.anderson@calenergy.com; dag@dgdk.com; rkd@dgdk.com; richard.b.sanders@enron.com; Anne Marie DeFelice; Cindy Stremmel; Garrett L. Hanken; Jeffrey A. Krieger; Marc S. Cohen; kjohan@ladwp.com; ceklund@llgm.com; dwhitley@llgm.com; jrnelson@llgm.com; mlubic@mdbe.com; zack.starbird@mirant.com; pmar@mofo.com; hweg@pgwlaw.com; david.facey@powerex.com; teresa.conway@powerex.com; rbeitler@sempratrading.com; awells@stroock.com; ayudkowsky@stroock.com; pjazayeri@stroock.com; bholman@whitecase.com Subject: CalPX Participants' Committee - possible joinder in PGE motion re ratepayers committee To: CalPX Participants' Committee Howard Weg has asked that I poll the committee members because several members of the committee have advised that they believe we should take a position supporting PG&E's motion to vacate the UST's appointment of a Ratepayers' committee in the PG&E bankruptcy case. The idea is to file a brief joinder stating that the Participants' Committee in the CalPX case, representing constituents which are the real parties in interest of over $1.9 billion in claims against PG&E, as scheduled by PG&E in its list of 20 largest creditors, supports the motion and the joinder filed by the PG&E creditors' committee. Our joinder would state that there is no statutory basis for appointing a ratepayers' committee and that it is not in the best interest of the estate. We might also indicate that we agree with PGE and the PGE creditors' committee that there are other means for ratepayers to be heard which make more sense than giving them official committee status. We would also appear telephonically at the hearing, this Friday, at 10 a.m. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like a conference call on this issue. Also, please let me know as soon as possible if you object to the committee taking this position. Thank you. Jeffrey A. Krieger (310) 785-6869 www.ggfcmk.com ************************** * Confidentiality Notice * ************************** This message is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s) and is intended to be privileged and confidential within the attorney client privilege. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete all copies of this email message along with all attachments. Thank you. The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. 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